
The study of divination, sometimes also known as predictions based on numerical analysis, formulas of star alignments, complex calculations and dates are foundation of this art. I Ching (Book of Changes) is perhaps most popular and commonly used until modern day, especially by the Chinese elites.


No one escapes change. It is an inevitable force of life. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, the world is constantly evolving and life goes on. With any change comes a certain amount of uncertainty. If we could peep a little into the future, change would be a lot easier to deal with.

Scholars and sages in ancient China have long embraced the concept of Change. They do this through the study of the I Ching (易經). The I Ching can be described as a science of divination, grounded in mathematics. The two integral branches of Chinese Metaphysics, namely Feng Shui and Bazi Astrology share roots planted in I Ching.

I Ching is a portal that tap into the energy and elements of the moment to give us a glimpse of the future, of a coming change, providing some insights that can help guide us through whatever situation we are facing.

Hexagrams using coins, rice or sticks will be retrieved upon asking a question from the querant on any situations of life. It is a way to check in with reference to the energy of the Universe regarding the problem or situation you are facing.

Xiang Jun Lim