Feng Shui Consultation

Feng Shui is one of the ancient Metaphysic Arts used for harmonizing individuals with the surrounding environment. The human is but part of the universe and our bodies are very much affected by the external environment. The places in which we live at play a significant role in shaping our lives. The quality of our surrounding environment can be vastly improved by the practice of Feng Shui.


Types of Consultations

Existing House

A thorough assessment and analysis of your home’s Fengshui will be conducted. Where necessary rearrangement, enhancement and balancing of the property’s Fengshui will be recommended to support the residents in the house of their different aspects of life and their current and future endeavors.  

Corporate Offices

Corporate Feng Shui is done to orient to the goals and mission of the company. Where key personals in a company work is critical to ensure Qi flow for the company will be good. Corporate Feng Shui will also assess how the year’s energies will affect the business and allow actions to be taken to either ride on the good energies or reduce the bad.

Property Selection

An assessment and comparison of various properties that you are considering for residential/commercial/investment purposes will be conducted and professional recommendations of the energy potential of each property will be given. This allows you to be aware and make the suitable choice in choosing the property that will support the individual’s goals.

Annual Feng Shui Assessment

Environmental energy flows change yearly and influences the Feng Shui of the property. Annual Feng Shui assessments are done to be aware of what the upcoming year energy will bring and if the property can support and maximise potentials or reduce problems and threats. Recommendations and remedies using the properties’ energies will be given for the year.


Xiang Jun Lim