Space Clearing & Blessing
Space clearing is the art of clearing and cleansing energies while space blessing is for the revitalization of energies in spaces such as homes, offices or buildings.
Why Space Clearing & Blessing is Necessary
If you’ve ever had the experience of walking into a room just after there has just been an argument, you know that you can literally feel it hanging in the air. The astral and energetic frequency of the argument was so raw and dense that they could tangibly feel it in the room, even after the people who were engaged in the quarrel had left.
Everything that happens in a space creates energetic ripples within the space. The imprints of this are then embedded into the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, and objects in the space, and will remain there, layer upon layer, unless they are cleared. Repetitive actions and behaviors get deeply imprinted. Events accompanied by strong emotions or trauma are the most strongly imprinted of all.
Cluttering creates stagnations. We are all energetically connected to our living and working spaces and all the belongings in them. When stagnant energies are allowed to build up, they cause a corresponding stagnation in some aspects of your life that will make you feel stuck. Space clearing can clear astral imprints and revitalize the stagnant energies in your home to get your life moving again.
This Space Clearing & Blessing service is done by Dr Xiang Jun in the form of on-site service.
This Space Clearing & Blessing service can be done separately or bundled for:
Please enquire for more detailed information.