Body-based Trauma Release
Terror and isolation at the core of any form of trauma, be it as insignificant as a mindless harsh comment from an adult to the child or as grave as sexual or family violence, can literally reshape both brain and body.
Stress from daily lives and the constant need to upkeep societal standards and self-proclaimed images in different aspects of your life are also creating microtraumas day by day.
“Body-based release for what has been long withheld, ingrained and no longer serves you.”
— Dr Oracle Yoga
Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a tradition of Yoga which in which the asanas or postures are strung together from one to another and synchronized with the breath. Vinyasa recognizes the temporary nature of things as we enter a posture, only there for a while and then leave.
+ Suitable For
It is highly suitable for people who have been stagnated in their energies through dormant lifestyles at the desks. Common complaints of energy stagnation can be various aches and pains, weight gain, depression and a constant feeling of “stuck”.
Especially for: Energy imbalance and blocks
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga is a yoga system by the late B.K.S. Iyengar. The Iyengar method focuses on alignment, sequencing, and timing of the asanas or postures. Practitioner can benefit from the postures, regardless of his/her body’s capabilities and develop skills to deal with ever-changing conditions due to the heavy usage of props to support the body. Iyengar yoga lets one learns the art of adjustment. The practice of alignment also gives rise to sensitivity and perceptual skills.
+ Suitable For
This lineage of Yoga is suitable for people who have adopted poor postures overtime as a result of poor physical awareness. With poor postures, mental imbalances result as the awareness of your body and the feeling of it are eroded. Common complains of people who are have poor postures are one-sided aches and pains, thwarted or extreme perspectives.
Especially for: Postural realignment
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is a passive form of yoga in which it involves variations of seated and supine poses typically held for 3 to 5 minutes. By holding the poses longer, it aids to access deeper layers of fascia and allows it to release and open.
+ Suitable For
Yin Yoga is suitable for people who are stiff and inflexible as the long holding of the poses can help to open the tight myofascial slowly and gently. Common complains of people who are tight and stiff are they get sprains and strains frequently, poor body circulation, numbness, inflexible in thoughts and perceptions.
Especially for: Myofascial release, emotional release
Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga is a passive form of yoga aimed at centering the breath and body. It helps to align the physical and mental by practicing stillness or gentle movement for extended periods of time. When the breath and the body are centered, the energy can flow better to re-nourish and recuperate the body and mind.
+ Suitable For
Restorative Yoga is suitable for people who are in a constant state of fatigue. Fatigue can develop from long term anxiety, poor sleeping patterns and highly stressful lifestyle. Common complains of people who are in chronic fatigue are constant tiredness, indigestion, require external stimulants like coffee, drugs to keep them going.
Especially for: Energy recuperation
Prenatal/Post Natal Yoga
Pre/post natal Yoga are specific yoga practices catered for mothers-to-be and mothers.
Prenatal Yoga can help to improve sleep and reduce the stress of mothers-to-be and help manage changes to their bodies in terms of weight gain, posture adaptations, hormone changes, energy changes and nightly bladder control issues. As the past bodily aches and stiffness from possible trauma get released, more spaces are created to welcome the new life.
+ Suitable For
Post natal Yoga focuses on poses which help new mothers regain strength and stability in the core abdominal, pelvic floor and back muscles. The process of birth does create some form of trauma to the body. The poses and breaths can help recuperate the body, relax the mind and bringing a sense of calm to the inner self as you embark on the new chapters of motherhood.
Especially for: Pregnancy preparation and post pregnancy recovery
Yoga Therapy for Ailments (Cancer, Digestion, Sleep, Anxiety)
Yoga can heal parts of our bodies that have been injured, traumatised, or simply ignored and neglected. Medical treatment can accelerate the healing process but, all too often, cannot tackle the source of the problem. Nature alone is the ultimate cure. Yoga’s system of healing is based on the premise that the body should be allowed to function as naturally as possible. Practising the recommended asanas will first rejuvenate the body, and then tackle the causes of the ailment.
+ Suitable For
Yoga therapy is suitable for people who have chronic ailments that seem to be unable to recover or feel better in the conventional medicine method. Such chronic ailments can affect any body systems such as the heart, respiratory, digestive, urinary, immune, hormonal, mind and emotions.
Especially for: Chronic ailments
Yoga for Elemental Balancing
Each of us is born with a dominant body elemental make up based on the date, time and location of your birth. The elements can be any of the five elements such as fire, earth, water, metal and wood. The dominant body elemental make up will determine the potential of certain body systems or parts being susceptible to certain illnesses. Yoga for Elemental Balancing will help find the balance through strengthening the body element and its related body systems or parts that are weak and also easing the body element and its related body systems or parts that are overly strong.
+ Suitable For
People who often find themselves inclined to certain health conditions since young or for a long period of time or after a change in living environment will benefit by understanding the body imbalances from the elemental aspects. Yoga asanas curated for balancing the elements within the core of the body will allow overall balance to be achieved through tackling the root of the imbalance.
Especially for: Chronic ailments which may span from childhood or environmental change
Yoga for Chakra Balancing
Chakras are energy centres located along the vertical line of the body and each chakra is responsible for the normal smooth functioning of proximal body parts and related energy body layer. When the chakras are out of balance or alignment, spine problems and the related emotional, mental and physical imbalance will show up in a specific pattern. Chakra imbalance can come from post trauma or major life changes.
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For example, people with the Heart Chakra misaligned or imbalanced may find themselves having heart palpitations, insomnia, anxiety, chest and mid back pain, unreceptive to others and self, lack of self-love and self-worth. The diagnosis of which chakra is out of balanced is necessary before the Yoga asanas are prescribed.
Especially for: Post traumatic stress disorder or major life changes