Life Transformation Silent Retreat Programme
Curated by me for overseas clients and patients
with limited time to work on themselves but looking to change your health and ultimately your life for the better, or after a period of mishaps and significant downturns impacting the quality of your life, the Life Transformation Silent Retreat Programme will see you participating in treatments, diets, activities as prescribed by me within a period of either 3, 5, 7 or 9 days.
Our body is a part of the larger external environment and you may have realized that when you are poor in health, other aspects of your life will be equally affected and many problems will surface in your career, opportunities, relationships with families and people around you. Similarly, when external events happen that create negative impacts or cause you to feel stuck or helpless in your life, your health will show up multiple issues that you once never have before. Retrenchment, backstabbing, rank playing, missing out on opportunities, divorces, miscarriages, infertility, family disharmony, fights and conflicts in relationship with people around you are some of the common external events that you may find yourself in together with ill health. And usually these negative events in life and poor health will last for a significant period of time, unless you do something about it to break the vicious cycle.
“Your own body is the easiest and most accessible to start off with to create positive changes to a string of negative events in your life. ”
The retreat programme will involve an online or face-to-face consultation with me first which involves Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulse Taking and Tongue Reading Diagnosis and Life Chart Reading. I will then consider the amount of time that you have and the suitable location with the elemental energies that you need to have full impact of the programme. My expertise, knowledge and experience in a vast number of alternative holistic treatments and therapies will see you going through activities such as Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Specialised Osteopathic Treatments and Diets under my fully personalized planning, supervision and execution. Partnering with luxurious travel agencies, health restaurants, medical clinic locations, the programme will be carried out without the worry for logistics and fully focused on your life transformation.