TCM Acupuncture for Family Planning and Fertility
A first meet with 11-day-old Arto whose beautiful parents I was working with for almost 1 year. Using TCM Acupuncture to get the parents’ health into great shape to prepare for this little one’s arrival into the family.

Testimonial from my long term patient Ms Koh, celebrating our affinity with her handmade crochet sanitizer holder
“I first came to Dr Lim with post wrist surgery swelling and pain and digestive issue and both issues were resolved under Dr Lim’s care. Now we are working on a sprained back. I always enjoy the easiness of talking with Dr Lim about everything.” -Ms Koh

Testimonial from my long time Dental Surgeon patient who holds strong beliefs in TCM
“I came to Dr Lim for repetitive back pain from work as a dental surgeon and muscle injuries from sports. Dr Lim’s treatment always helps me to be able to function normally at work again, and the sports injury to recover fast. It is impressive of how she can release the pain for most of my injuries in a very efficient way. I would recommend people like me who has to maintain a certain posture at work for long time and result in neck or back pain and people who are active at sports and require to recover fastfrom injury to seek out Dr Lim for treatments.” -Dr James Lee

Testimonial from a long time patient Ms Lee whose whole family is under my care
“I came to Dr Lim initially for my arm and shoulder injury. My son is doing TCM pediatric massage and my husband is doing general health maintenance with her. Overall, we feel that our quality of life has improved greatly through better pain management and maintainence of general health. I highly recommend Dr Lim to working individuals, mother and child, people struggling with mental, emotional and chronic conditions. I am also planning to do stretch and conditioning classes for pain management with Dr Lim soon.” - Ms June Lee

Testimonial for TCM treatment for Pain Management and Fertility
“Dr Lim has a great manner and is very knowledgeable. For both my deltoid pain and fertility issue she helped me a lot. She knew exactly how to treat both cases and I am very happy with the results. I recommend Dr Lim to anyone who wants assistance for fertility, sleeping or an injury.” -R.P., Female, 31, United Kingdom

Testimonial for TCM Hormonal Balancing Treatment
“I came to Dr Lim for Hormonal Wellness TCM treatment. Dr Lim is fun, caring and skilled in what she does. She is open and easy to speak with and she is accurate and detailed in her diagnosis. I am definitely feeling healthier and happier. Her practical advice for food and lifestyle changes has also had a positive impact on me. I recommend anyone who would like an open, smart and fun doctor that is not your average TCM doctor but a wellness doctor at heart.” - Wee Lilin, 47, Singaporean

Testimonial for TCM Sexology and General Wellness treatment
“I am post natal 6 months and am looking to rejuvenate Qi again, restore low sex drive and fatigue. Thinking of bringing my husband too as he’s been stressed lately with work. Your previous sessions pre natal did wonders.” - A.W, 36, Singaporean

Testimonial for TCM Women's Menstrual Health treatment
“I feel that the past few months since seeing Dr Lim for management of pain with my menstrual cramps really improved my condition and huge reduction in pain. Dr Lim is also very personable and warm which makes it easy to enjoy my treatments with her. There is effective pain management with very noticeable difference before and after. Usually on the first day of period, I’ll be in so much pain that I can’t function or work, but now I feel comfortable going to work and still do my daily activities. Dr Lim is a doctor who is very informative, sincere and earnest in wanting the best for patients. I really admire Dr Lim’s drive for knowledge and constant upskilling in order to provide better treatments all the time.” - J.S, 21, Singaporean

Testimonial for TCM Nervous System Disorder Treatment
“In late 2017, I was diagnosed with supraorbital nerve damage as a result of Type 2 Diabetes. I was put on a course of tegretol, which was effective at blocking the pain. However I was warned that I would develop a tolerance and it would become ineffective. That is exactly what happened. No other medication had any impact. I was desperate when I met Dr Lim. Within two and a half of twice weekly treatments, my pain was gone. Completely gone. I don’t really understand how acupuncture stabilised the nerve damage. I only know it did when nothing else helped. Dr Lim has a friendly and positive attitude. She is genuinely committed to patient’s health. It was an excellent experience with Dr Lim. I am no longer depressed with pain, and I believe I can now live a happy pain-freelife thanks to Dr Lim and acupuncture.” -L.R, 67, Canadian

Testimonial for TCM Eczema Treatment
“I went to see Dr Lim with persistent recurring eczema that was causing me great distress. It was not responding to various steroid creams and the Western Doctors kept increasing the strength of the steroid creams and still no improvements. I went to see Dr Lim and after acupuncture and cupping sessions the situation improved dramatically, and after about six sessions it more or less disappeared. Truly a life changing experience!” -Ellen M, 54, United Kingdom

Testimonial for TCM Migraine Treatment
“I was struggling with migraines and using a variety of medication with no relief. A friend suggested acupuncture, I found Dr Lim. My headaches reduced after the first treatment. My sleep was great and I felt in control of my migraine. I have seen Dr Lim many times after that and headaches have reduced 90%.
Dr Lim is very good in her ways. She listens and advises accordingly.
All the follow up sessions has been great and the results are very apparent. I sleep and my headaches are reduced.” - K.V, 48, American

Testimonial for TCM Digestive Health
“My overall experience with Dr Lim was great! Dr Lim asks thorough questions to understand my condition and recommends different treatments to cure my digestive issues. She is very friendly, cheerful and easy to talk to. She knows what she is doing.
After 4 to 5 acupuncture treatments, my stomach is less bloated and diarrhoea issues have greatly decreased. Looking forward to long term treatment to improve gut health. Acupuncture for cramps and back during period is also super effective and instant.
I look forward to long term treatment with Dr Lim.” -Pearl, 30, Singaporean

Testimonial for TCM Fertility Treatment
“I came to Dr Lim to seek help with fertility. She made me feel very comfortable and reassured. I feel encouraged that I am treating my body well and I will recommend Dr Lim to anyonelooking for fertility or overall health advice.”
1 month post TCM fertility treatment with Dr Lim
“I’m pleased to let you know that our last round of IVF was much more successful and we now have 6 ‘good’ embryos. So thank you for all your support in the build up!”
-L.A, 38, British

Testimonial for Back Pain
“I came to Dr Lim to be treated for back ache and back pain. My experience with Dr Lim was great. She first tried to understand my situation and provided very clear explanation on the treatments. My muscle spasm occurrence has reduced dramatically and my back is not pain anymore. I highly recommend people who are seeking for better quality of life to see Dr Lim.” -Y.T, 30, Singaporean

Testimonial for Chronic Health TCM Treatments
“My chronic complex conditions of my skin, cough and stomach issues have since improved after a series of sessions with Dr Lim. Feeling detox, more empowered physically and mentally. Dr Lim doesn’t beat around the bush, is swift and professional. She is encouraging and amicable too. As I had past painful experience with acupuncture, her reassurance and skilfulness enabled me to overcome ‘needle’ phobia and have faith and trust in her.” -D.S, 37, Singaporean

Testimonial for Hormonal Imbalance and Migraine
“I initially sought TCM treatment with Dr Lim for years of severe migraine due to hormonal imbalance before menstruation. After 2 months of treatments, my last round of period saw no migraine and I had more energy overall and was not bedridden for 2 to 3 days like before. Dr Lim is very pleasant and holistic. She does not just treat via acupuncture, but took time to address lifestyle and emotional issues that can affect my condition. I highly recommend Dr Lim to people who have migraine issues or any other conditions that Western Medicine cannot explain or cure.” -J.C, 42, Singaporean

Testimonial for Numbness and Pain Relief
“Dr Lim is exceptionally skilled. I had an excellent treatment experience with her. Dr Lim was able to provide relief to what had become a chronic and very difficult to live and work with pain. I am very grateful to Dr Lim. My quality of life has been exponentially improved since starting the treatment. Her treatment was very effective. I had severe numbness and tingling in my fingers and pain in shoulder and forearm of my right hand. The treatment has so far reduce this to 20 - 30% of original and made it bearable. Dr Lim is very friendly, approachable and a pleasure to be around.” - George P, 45, UK/Greece

Testimonial for Reenergising & Hormonal Balance Treatments
“I initially seek TCM treatment with Dr Lim to help me with my low energy, bloated belly and hormonal balance issues. After being treated by Dr Lim, I have more energy and even increase my self esteem and was able to focus on my daily tasks. Dr Lim is helpful and very pleasant and she is very skillful in helping me regain my energy after just a few sessions. I highly recommend people with low energy, digestion problems and hormonal imbalance conditions to look for Dr Lim for help.” -Anca, Female, 35, Romanian

Testimonial for Weight Management
“I initially came to Dr Lim for thyroid, anxiety and weight management issues. It was an excellent experience with Dr Lim. She is highly knowledgeable and friendly. She is a realist and paints an honest picture of the treatment and your well-being. I feel super healthy and strong after being treated by Dr Lim over a period of time and I plan to continue treatments with her.” R.M, Female, 47, Singaporean