Energy Medicines

Oracle Esoteric Readings

Forces of nature can sometimes provide answers and even solutions to the big dilemmas of life or the small specifics of a situation. Ultimately it is to bring you insights and open your visions into matters or things you may be stuck or closed towards. It can also give you a deeper understanding of your life purpose and how true you are to it. The Universe is always wanting the best for us. Esoteric Readings are the methods to hear the messages of what the Universe is trying to communicate to us.

Ancient Esoteric Readings are vast and anything in the nature can be used as the tool for the readings. The tools can be shells, bones, leaves, runes, crystals, black mirror, tarot and oracle cards.

Suitable for: life disorientation, health/career/relationship advise seeking

Space Clearing

Space clearing means clearing the space on an energy level. It is an ancient art practiced daily in many old cultures - from India and Bali to Peru and Morocco - and there are numerous ways and materials used for space clearing.

Just as on a physical level there are dust and dirt accumulated in the home due to daily activities, the same happens on an energetic level. The “dirt and dust” of human emotions may not be seen with the physical eyes, but they do accumulate in any space, hence it is best to clear them out regularly.

It is recommended to do a deep space clearing at least once a year, just like how people will do a major physical declutter once a year to get rid of the old and welcome the new. It is also recommended to do space clearing after an intense negative event, such as a divorce, for example, or before moving into a house that might have many negative energies, such as a foreclosure of a house or new house purchase from a divorced couple.

Suitable for: annual energetic cleansing, post trauma or negative life events such as divorce/death

Labyrinth Healing

Labyrinths are true sacred places. They dated back 4000 years and are located all over the world. Like Stonehenge and the Pyramids, they are mysterious geometric forms that define sacred space. Labyrinths have only 1 path leading to the center and back out again, similar to life and truth – there are no dead ends. The design of labyrinth itself is inherently powerful. The space and experience of walking it are also very sacred and powerful and help us feel a greater sense of Oneness in this big Universe. As one shifts directions in the Labyrinth, awareness also shifts from the left and right brain, back and forth, hence inducing receptive states of consciousness.

Depending on individual’s available resources, this healing can be done within a walkable labyrinth created or on a scale of a hand drawn picture image.  

Suitable for: energetic cleansing, subconscious healing

Shamanic Soul Retrieval

Soul loss is a spiritual illness that causes emotional and physical disease. Shamanism is the way a shaman (spiritual doctor) deal with the spiritual aspect of illness. According to shamanic perspective, one of the major causes of illness is soul loss.

Simply put, the soul is the seat of emotions, feelings or sentiments as a human. It is our vital essence.

Soul loss is the losing of these crucial parts of ourselves that provides us with life and vitality. Whenever we experience trauma, a part of this vital essence/soul separates from us in order to survive the experience by escaping the full impact of the pain. A part of the soul flees to save ourselves, literally. Examples of traumas can greatly vary from one individual to another. Abusive intimate relationship, major surgery, serious accidents, childhood abuse, neglect, abandonment, loss of loved ones, are just some examples of traumas that can lead to soul loss. When that happens, we don’t feel totally whole, don’t feel as if we are all here and we cannot enjoy the intensity of life and intimacy with people we love. Desensitization, numbness, moral insensitivity are reflections of the effects of soul loss in modern world today.

Modern psychology claims to address this painful sense of incompleteness and disconnection by trying to uncover trauma and then become whole again, but psychotherapy only works on the parts of us that are already “home”.

Ancient shamanic practices instead deal with the entirety of the soul loss through powerful techniques to bring back the vital essence that has broken off into other dimensions of reality or consciousness. These broken life forces are accessed and retrieved from beyond time and space. Therefore making it possible to address issues long forgotten or buried deep in the subconscious.

Suitable for: childhood abuse, sexual abuse, unresolved emotional trauma, major accidents and surgeries


Xiang Jun Lim