Health, Wealth, Relationship – The Butterfly Effect
Because of my multidisciplinary backgrounds and being blessed enough to meet all the great teachers along the way of all fields, I have slowly come to see the big picture of things and how the world and the Universe works, to a certain level of extent maybe at this point of time.
In my metaphysics practice and reading, the usual questions that are usually posed to me are always revolving around either wealth/career, relationship or health. It is always these three aspects. And depending on the age and life experiences as well, the weightage of questions asked will sway more towards one of them, but it is ALWAYS within the scope of these three concerns.
But a lot of times wealth and relationship dominate the proportion of the consult sand clock.
Now being a full fledge TCM Physician as well, I will say when the situations in your life are very messy and complicated, it will be good to better yourself first. And what I mean is also get your health back first.
Because it is the Butterfly Effect: small change in your health can trigger large differences in the other aspects.
Poor Health, Poor Life
Firstly, people with overwhelming issues in their lives that seem unsolvable at that point definitely (and yes, I can vow for that over my years of seeing patients) are poor in their health too. And sometimes some issues can be linked to the organs in concern that are ill. My tribe and those who follow my Instagram should know that each organ relates to different personality and emotions. So when one organ is out of balance, how good can you feel about your life and the aspects of it that the organ governs?
You are part of the Universe
Secondly, we are but part of the Universe. The Ancient puts it well into perspective in just 4 words: “天人相应”. Translation: The Universe and you corresponds to each other. So when your body is ill, how good can your outer world be?
To take this deeper, when your body is ill, what kind of perspective are you holding when you look at your world and things happening around you?
So my advice: when you feel like your world is crumbling around you and you absolutely is devastated with no way out and feel like banging the wall with every step, turn inwards and work on yourself.
Read more about What you do now determines your life here.
Read more about Your Future depends on now here.