Rose Quartz Crystal Guasha

Rose Quartz Crystal Guasha
Blood circulation enhancer
In Traditional Chinese medicine, Gua Sha is an ancient technique that can be used to improve circulation to areas of the body that are having blocked or congested energies, hence it relieves acute and chronic pains, reduce inflammation and supports the immune system. Energetically, it opens up energy channels and chakras that are dulled and blocked, which can have a positive impact on the mental, emotional and spiritual state of a person. In aesthetics, Facial Guasha can help with de-puffing, lymphatic drainage, upliftment of skin, immediate increase of radiance and glow to the face.
Depending on the kind of crystal stones the Guasha tool is made of, the effect of Guasha will be amplified with additional benefits, qualities and intentions that the stones carry.
The unique Crystal Guasha tools created by Dr Xiang Jun is individually cleansed and imprinted with positive energies. You will feel a prominent upliftment and release when the Crystal Guasha Tools are put to use.
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes.
Rose Quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids. It hastens recovery, reduces high blood pressure, aids chest and lung problems, heals the kidneys and adrenals, and alleviates vertigo. A good energetic support for those with leukaemia. Rose Quartz has the power to increase fertility and to protect both mother and unborn fetus from miscarriage.
Ways to use the Crystal Guasha tool:
1. Use the Crystal Guasha tool on the face to depuff and aid lymphatic drainage.
2. Use the Crystal Guasha tool to massage on any body parts that experience stiffness and pain
3. Place the Crystal Guasha tool in your bag, on your working desk or simply hold it in your hands to feel the qualities and positive upliftment from the energies of the tool.