Interesting TCM Facts 101: Mirror is a Medicinal Herb
In the Compendium of Materia Medica (which is THE Bible for TCM Herbology), Stone Chapter, Volume 8, the author Li Shizhen, who was also Ming botanist and pharmacologist, mentioned that mirror was the distillate essence of water and metal. The mirror had properties similar to the ancient sword, being able to ward off and subdue any evil.
In translation and in depth interpretation, ‘evil’ in this case refer to negative energies. Any form of illnesses involved one being exposed to and under the influence of negative energies.
Hence in ancient times, mirrors were prescribed as a form of herbal medicine to heal illnesses and diseases, especially those that involved mental and emotional aspects such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia.
Below is the evidence from the classic that recorded this interesting fact:
在 《本草纲目》石部第8卷 “古镜”中,李时珍认为:“镜乃金水之精,内明外 暗。古 镜如古剑,若有神明,故能辟邪魅忤恶。凡人家宜挂大镜,可辟邪魅。”
Further reading:
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
TCM Wellness Nervous System Disorders Management
Scientific Proof to How Your Body React To Acupuncture - Migraine