Reflection Journal on CoVid-19- 31 May 2020
It is two days before my country is going to exit from the lockdown or circuit breaker. Although all of us were asked to stay in our homes and it seemed quiet all over the city, many changes have definitely occurred, both externally and internally within oneself.
Facing Inner Demons
The circuit breaker has somewhat put all of us into a mode of retreat. And we finally get to be with ourselves more. To some it is a privilege, others it can be hell. Because being by oneself in silence, thoughts and self talk emerge more rampantly and intensively. Sometimes we may find ourselves carried away in the downward spiral of our thoughts, tending towards the negative especially in these times of uncertainty.
Nevertheless, if the mind and awareness are strong enough, revelations and new thought patterns and ideas can result from us being courageous enough to face your inner demons,
instead of running away just like in pre-lockdown period where we love to escape the ugly side of things with the excuse of being eternally being ‘busy’.
Status Quo or Transformation?
During these 2 to 3 months of pause to our lives, many of us may be affected in one way or another as it is truly an abnormal occurrence on a worldwide level. As we come towards the end of lockdowns and slowly we allow lives to return to near normality, take some time to ask ourselves: have I remain status quo as a person, managing my different aspects of life as before, functioning with just the same habitual patterns as always? Or have I taken this time to reflect, tear down whatever that no longer serves and transform and allow a new me to be reborn? Has this period of time been just a simple pause and standstill or an opportunity to recalibrate and metamorphosize?
Read more on There is no such thing as busy here.
Miracles in Adversity
In my Meditation, Yoga and Reiki classes that I have offered in this period, I do wonder if my students take in whatever was taught to them and if the teachings have any resonance in their lives. Many uncertainties and anxiety do sprout and remain as a backdrop in all of our minds as we go through this pandemic. Hence I do hope what I have offered in this period can sprinkle seeds of calm and assurance into our minds and develop the trust that everything will be alright. And usually,
Miracles happen in adversity.
So as we restart ourselves and step out to the world again, all we have to do is breathe, relax and allow the wonders to unfold before our eyes.