Reflection Journal on CoVid 19 - 27 March 2020
A Rare Scene of Empty Changi Airport
As things get quieter and quieter in Singapore, I decided to take upon penning my thoughts on my observations and reflections through my blog.
I was talking to some of my patients today and she was rather anxious about the uncertainty of holding her job in the next few months to come. As she knew that I am a Bazi Reader as well, she asked me for my advice and thoughts on managing the distress that she and I believe many others who are going through the same anxiety through the eyes of metaphysics.
Destruction before the Shift
In the field of Geomancy or Feng Shui, we are now in Period 8 and by 2024, the energy of the next 20 years will enter into Period 9. Usually effects of changes will be felt within the 5 years before the next period as the energy paved for a large shift into the next 20 years. And in a way that caught everyone by surprise, CoVid-19 is the trigger of the shift as we experience abrupt changes to our lives, to a very big extent in fact.
In Hindu traditions, there exist the Hindu trinity gods which are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma is responsible for creation, Vishnu is to preserve and Shiva is to destroy. So you can see that for something new to be created, the old has to be destroyed first.
In our case of what the world is going through right now, I believe we are still at the ‘destruction’ stage where our lives are put to a halt, people lose their jobs, the economy crashed. Painful as it may seemed, it is at the stage of destruction that old beliefs and old vices or habits also get to be crushed at the same time. But for something new and more beautiful to be created, this destruction stage is but necessary.
But does it have to take it to the extent of crushing our lives for new things to come? Can’t these changes occur at a milder and gentler way?
Which brings me to my next point about the elemental shift as an awakening call for humanity.
Awakening Call for Humanity
Humans are always evolving and changing. And being the highest intelligent animal around, we tend to fall into the trap of mistaking ourselves as THE highest power of all, harnessing forces of Nature and manipulating the world in our favor, or so we thought. Greed and arrogance devour us unnoticeably and slowly until we may have just taken too much from Earth for our own black hole of infinite desires.
I believe every shift in Periods in Feng Shui or every calamity is an awakening call for the mankind. Because we are so desensitize into what we are doing to Earth and to each other, so disconnected from Nature and so delved into money making and chasing for sensory pleasures and comfort, a bigger smack is needed to knock us into our senses. CoVid-19 may be the first sharp pain we feel from the smack.
Rediscovering and Reconnecting to ‘Being Human’ again
Many countries have lockdown in attempts to contain the spread of the virus. In Singapore where I am at, although there is no official lockdown at this point, the closures of gym, entertainment facilities, yoga studios, clinics etc have brought the city to an even quieter and almost ghost-town silhouette. Social gathering is downplayed and discouraged. People returning to Singapore are to self quarantine and self isolate.
But human is a social animal. In this massive campaign of social distancing and isolation, people start to realise how bored or even crazy they can get in isolation. It is at this time that is interesting to see people finally start to rediscover and reconnect to their innate human nature and desire to connect and be close to one another. Frankly speaking we have not evolved very far from our primitive animal ancestors. The need to socialize and interact with other humans prove that point. But we may not have realized it for a very long time and deluded ourselves that we have progressed so much from the animal kingdom because of our arrogance from our self proclaimed ‘high intelligence’. It is only in times like this when we are forced to be by ourselves that we then start to reconnect with our human nature and simply sensitizing ourselves to ‘being human’ again.
You never know who you will not see the next moment
When I received the mails and notifications from my yoga studio and my volunteer clinic that they will be temporarily closed till May in view of the CoVid-19 situation, my heart literally sank. All the things I used to do in my normal lifestyle had to be given a miss suddenly. And the fact that even the people I thought I WILL see is not definite made me realized how precious those moments of interaction are.
The yoga teacher I thought I will have made it for the class, my patients who have gone back home overseas but can’t return now due to lockdown, my friends who are in self isolation now after returning home – these are the scenes and routines I have taken granted for so much and definite that they WILL occur have in fact become a mirage.
The fact that I never know who I will not see the next moment in this time of uncertainty take me to the next level of learning to TREASURE.
So stay safe, stay strong.
Further reading:
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
Men’s Health Series: Which is the Better Way to Treat Prostatitis - TCM or Western Medicine?
How do Acupuncture and Acupressure work and which is the Better One
Everything you need to know about Dampness
It is not normal to have cysts and fibroids
Why Everything Cold is Discouraged during Menstruation
Men’s Health: Low libido equals low testosterone?