TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs – Tarragon


TCM Nature: Cooling

TCM Taste: Pungent, sweet, slightly bitter

TCM Meridian Affinity: Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Stomach


·       Multivitamin with heart and stomach support (Magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, Vit A, C and B6)

·       Antioxidants and neutralization of free radicals in body

·       Heart health: inhibits blood platelets, clinging to blood vessels walls, avoiding heart attacks and strokes

·       Anti rheumatic, help to prevent and cure rheumatic arthritis by removing toxins

·       Supports lymph drainage

·       Regulates menstrual cycle, relieve PMS

·       Anti-bacterial for external cuts and wounds

·       Helps form and support hemoglobin (red blood cells)


Tarragon is about change, confidence, courage and personal awareness.

Read more about TCM Herbal Medicine Prescription on my TCM Wellness page.