TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Basil


TCM Nature: Warm

TCM Taste: Pungent, sweet

TCM Meridian Affinity: Heart, Lungs, Spleen, Stomach


·       Uplifting of energy

·       Calms nerves

·       Dispels Coldness

·       Promotes menstruation

·       Promotes blood circulation

·       Increase Lungs Qi

·       Removes Dampness and Phlegms

·       Clears Toxicity/Antidote for Poisons/Intestinal Infections


Associated with Mars, and rules by Fire, Basil is suitable for spiritual work with a specific goal in mind.

In the Indian tradition, basil is sacred to Vishnu and Krishna and, thus, considered a protective plant and a beneficent spirit. A basil leaf placed on the tongue of a dead Hindu assured that he reached paradise.