TCM Basics 101: TCM Body Clock Lungs 3am to 5am
In my previous post, I have talked briefly about TCM body clock. So because now almost the whole world is in a state of lockdown, we may have the inclinations to just eat whenever we like and sleep whenever we want.
Here I shall elaborate on the specifics of each 2 hour blocks, their related organs and what you should be doing at that time to help maximise the functionings of the organs and some interesting facts to know if you show certain related symptoms that can give alert to the organs in concern.
3am to 5am – Lungs time
Organs related: This is usually the start of the body energy clock cycle and it always begins with the Lungs. Why? Because historically recorded in classics, all meridians branch out from the Lungs. In Chinese the exact phrase is “肺朝百脉”. Scientifically, life begins with breath. So the minute you are breathing, life ensues. Therefore, the body energy clock cycle always begins with the Lungs.
What you should do: So during this time, all you have to do is sleep soundly and allow the Lungs to do their job without expending the energy to upkeep other stimulants.
Interesting fact: If you cough at this time in particular, it signifies the root of the cough issue is from the Lungs and that the Lungs are trying to expel toxins at this time.