TCM Basics 101: TCM Body Clock Heart 11am to 1pm

With the energy boost for the day taken care of in the morning, what organ is up next to take on the baton?

11am to 1pm: Heart Time


Organs related: Heart. The blood circulation is the highest during this period of time as the qi that is most active is at the Heart. Hence one should be feeling most energized at this period.

What you should do: Eat lunch and socialize! Enjoy conversations, connect with people and cooperate in projects and engagements. Reach out to people and be of service. Nutritious, balanced lunch should be taken as well, but proportions should be too filling.

Interesting fact: Heart is all about connection of ourselves with the thoughts, environment and people. It governs our ability to receive and give. So during Heart time, try to bring the focus of self in the morning to connection with the outside world. Take this time to engage and get involved socially.

Read about Dr Xiang Jun Heart Opening Acupuncture here.

Read more about Acupoint Medicine Dan Zhong here.

Further reading:

TCM Body Clock

Kidney Time

Stomach Time

Gall Bladder Time

Bladder Time

Triple Burner Time

Pericardium Time

Small Intestine Time

Lungs Time

Liver Time

Spleen Time

Large Intestine Time