Heart Opening Acupuncture

The electromagnetic field of the heart is 60 times the electromagnetic field of the brain.

The heart is where the magic happens.

The heart is where the physical meets the non physical, where heaven touches the earth, where eternal merges with the mortal, where the formless descends into form. This is the place where we access the wisdom that transcends the finite human experience. The heart is the connection to everyone in the mankind.


When the Heart is closed, a person can experience:

-          Anxiety and depression

-          Heart palpitation

-          Unstable blood pressure

-          Insomnia and disrupted sleep

-          Nightmares and frequent dreams

-          Bitterness in sense of taste

-          Feeling immense loneliness, by him/herself or with a group of people

-          Frequently feeling jealous

-          Easily angered

-          Self victimization

-          Difficulty in getting over past hurts

-          Inability to forgive

-          Hatred towards ownself which can display as various eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, thoughts of suicide, behaviours of self hurt such as wrist cutting

-          Hatred towards others which can display as behaviours such as hostility, betrayal

-          Trust issues

-          Low self-esteem and self-worth

-          Inability to commit and maintain healthy relationships with others

-          Numbness towards intimacy

-          Fear of intimacy

-          Fear of stepping out of routine

Dr Xiang Jun’s Signature Acupuncture Treatments can help reopen and heal the Heart from deep within.