What Happens When the Heart is Closed
What is the Heart?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Heart is the king of all organs. In Classic TCM texts, it quotes “心为君主之官,神明出焉”.
Not only is the Heart being compared to a King governing the rest of the organs, it is responsible for our mental and spiritual aspects of health. This is because the spirit or Shen resides in the Heart. In this respect, spirit or Shen can means consciousness, emotions, thoughts and the spirituality aspect of the person that gives rise to the overall vitality of the person reflected through the state of complexion, eyes and responses.
In Science, the heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain.
The heart’s magnetic field, which is the strongest rhythmic field produced by the human body, not only envelops every cell of the body, but also extends out in all directions into the space around us and can be measured several feet away from the body. Research has shown that the heart’s field is an important carrier of information.
In Yoga, the heart is where the heart chakra which is the fourth chakra is situated. The heart chakra is also known as anahata in Sanskrit. Anahata when translated to English means unhurt, unstruck, unbeaten. The heart chakra is the centre of unconditional love for oneself and others, compassion, joy, empathy, forgiveness. It is also the source of deep profound truths that cannot be expressed in words. As the heart chakra is located at the center in between the upper and lower chakras, it is the bridge between manifestation and spirituality. In other words, the heart is the key to what you want in life to come into reality.
What Happens When the Heart is Opened
When the Heart is healthy, opened and aligned, you will feel connected with everyone and the world, being surrounded by love, joy, happiness and filled with compassion for ownself and others. You will feel open to all experiences of life, be it challenges or harmonious joyful events. Especially for relationships, all encounters will flow through you with ease.
When the Heart is opened, you will be able to see all the beauty and love around and truly connect with ourselves, our loved ones and nature. You will be able to direct love back to ourselves to be able to truly love and accept ourselves, our bodies and our minds.
Read about Acupoint Medicine Dan Zhong on heart opening.
What Happens When the Heart is Closed
Stress, emotional pain usually caused by traumatic memories, emotions or overthinking can close up the Heart.
When the Heart is closed, it can manifest as physical ailments or disease and also have a deep impact on our mind and mental state.
Physical Presentations of Heart Closure
1. Poor circulation
2. Cold hands and feet
3. Heart palpitation
4. Unstable blood pressure
5. Insomnia and disrupted sleep
6. Nightmares and frequent dreams
7. Bitterness in sense of taste
Read another article on How TCM and Acupuncture treat PCOS here.
Mental Presentations of Heart Closure
1. You hold grudges against people you love
2. You find it difficult to trust others
3. You isolate yourself excessively
4. You feel shy
5. You feel lonely
6. You frequently feel jealous
7. You’re overly defensive
8. You have a fear of intimacy
9. You put yourself in the role of the rescuer or victim
10. You are struggling with commitment issues
11. You procrastinate when it comes to relationship issues
12. You hold onto past hurts
13. You are not empathetic
14. You frequently feel anxious and stressed
15. You are afraid of rejection
16. You place others on the pedestal and put yourself last
17. You push others away
18. You are manipulative
Ways to Open Up the Heart Again
Opening up the Heart is an ongoing process of rebalancing, realigning and reconnecting with yourself. There is no one-time fix for opening up the Heart. It is a process of rediscovering yourself and unblocking the knots created by traumas fresh and old.
The ways to open the Heart are lifelong practices, rather than a drop-in quick fix.
1. Smile
Smiling stimulates the Heart and brings a sense of inner peace and joy within yourself.
2. Practise gratitude
Gratitude nourishes the Heart for opening up to all experiences to come, be it good or bad.
3. Practise backbends
Yoga poses such as Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) Upward facing Dog, Dhanurasana (Bow pose) and Ustrasana (Camel pose) are some of the poses that open the chest area where the Heart resides.
4. Heart Opening Acupuncture
Acupoints that link to the Heart and associated organs can be tapped on to unblock and reopen any closure along the entire Heart Meridian. Dr Xiang Jun’s Signature Heart Opening Acupuncture can naturally create a sense of wellbeing and love.
Further reading:
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
Acupuncture for Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Men’s Health Series: Which is the Better Way to Treat Prostatitis - TCM or Western Medicine?
How do Acupuncture and Acupressure work and which is the Better One
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