Women's Health Series: It is NOT normal to have Cysts and Fibroids

This topic has been on my mind for quite some time and finally I have time to bring it into reality.

I remember vividly in my practice I was treating a female patient in her 20s. She told me that she had multiple cysts and fibroids in her ovaries and uterus. What left a deep impression in me was when she commented to me that she thought that having cysts and fibroids were normal. The reason being all her female friends and people she knew of had cysts and fibroids too.

It has thus come to my attention that people these days have totally different standards to what healthy means.


Please, ladies. Cysts and fibroids in the reproductive organs or any other body parts are NOT normal. They indicate blockages in the body and on a deeper level underlying body issues or poor lifestyle habits (please seek out a professional TCM doctor to do a proper TCM assessment and diagnosis).

But this short blog is meant to clear out this WRONG VIEW which I thought was obvious to many that having cysts and fibroids indicate ill health and is not a norm. Having people around you with similar problem does not justify that health standards have been lowered. It practically means that the people you mix with probably do not know how to take good care of themselves. An analogy of this ‘phenomenon’ is say it is ok to steal or kill because everyone around also steals and kills.