Women's Health Series: How to Stop Period Pain

Period pain is also known as menstrual pain and the actual scientific name is called “primary

dysmenorrhea”. In this case, primary dysmenorrhea is hence the cramping pain during menstruation

without any identifiable pelvic pathology and it affects most women throughout the menstrual years.

It has been shown that severe period pain can even affect the daily lives and activities such as schooling

and results in increased absenteeism and drop in work efficiency.

In the consensus treatment guidelines of period pain, contraceptives and anti inflammatory drugs are

usually given as the treatment in Western Medicine clinic setting. Yet, it is noted that not all women

experience a reduction in their period pain with Western Medicine prescriptions. In fact they even suffer

from the side effects of the Western drugs and chemicals such as having headaches and migraine, fatigue,

unexplained tiredness, reduction in appetite and nausea. Furthermore, contraceptives are not suitable for

patients who are trying to get pregnant and may result in undesirable side effects of vomiting, weight gain,

bleeding from vagina.

Fortunately, period pain has its record in Traditional Chinese Medicine and there exists a whole different

theory and philosophy in Traditional Chinese Medicine in treatment of period pain and even immediate

relief from period pain, without any side effects.

Further reading: What is TCM and What is the difference between TCM and Western Medicine

Further reading: How TCM and Acupuncture treat PMS

Further reading: How TCM and Acupuncture treat PCOS

Read more on how TCM and Acupuncture treat Infertility, Endometriosis, Fibroids.

Period Pain from a Western Medicine and Scientific Perspective

For many women, the reason for period pain can be unclear. According to Western Medicine and Science,

during menstruations, the muscular wall of the womb or uterus will contract so that the uterus lining can

shed. This is a natural process for menstruation to occur. For most women, the contractions are too soft to

be noticeable. That is the reason why some women will say they feel nothing and no pain during


Period Pain is due to this Hormone

The contractions of the uterus or womb is due to a hormone called Prostaglandins. In some women, they

have it more in their physiology and body. Therefore with more of this hormone Prostaglandin, the stronger

the contractions of the uterus or womb especially near to menstruations and they will experience more

pain during their menstruations.

Furthermore, if the contractions are prolonged, blood vessels that line the uterus wall will be pressed upon

and the compression will cut off oxygen and blood supply to the uterus and trigger nerves in the uterus.

This is when period pain will be felt.

Underlying health conditions that can cause frequent Period Pain

Although we mention that primary dysmenorrhea is a condition not due to other pelvic pathology, some

period pains that are especially chronic and prolonged can be caused by other underlying medical

conditions and illnesses. Here are some of the possible health conditions that can result in frequent Period


1.       Endometriosis

This is a condition when the cells and tissues that are lining the inner linings of the womb or uterus are also

growing in other areas of the reproductive systems. These cells and tissues can grow at ovaries and

fallopian tubes as well. And when the tissues and cells starts to shed from the uterus as well as the unusual

areas of the reproductive system during menstruations, period pain will be experienced.


2.       Fibroids

Fibroids are tumours or growths that are usually made of muscular cells that grow in the uterus or womb

and can hinder the blood flow and irritates nerves which can cause contractions of the uterus wall during

menstruation to result in pain.

3.       Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases (PID)

Pelvic inflammatory disease is usually an infection of a part of the women’s reproductive organs or an

inflammation in the uterus or womb, ovaries or fallopian tubes. This is a disease that can be due to

complication caused by some sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. There are

also other kinds and types of infections that can be resulted from other bacteria that are not linked with

sexually transmitted diseases which can also result in Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases. Such infection and

inflammation in the women’s reproductive system and organs can make the periods to be painful and


4.       Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is a condition of the female reproductive system which is signature in causing the uterus

and womb to thicken and even enlarge. This is resulted from the endometrial tissue that lines the uterus or

womb wall to actually grow into the muscular walls of the uterus or womb which is underneath the

endometrial tissue. When that happens, when the endometrial tissue lining starts to shed during

menstruation, it will irritate the muscular tissue of the uterus or womb and cause pain to be experienced by

the women.

5.       Intrauterine device (IUD)

This is a device that is shaped in a T-shape which is placed into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. The

device can be made of plastic or copper. When the device is inserted into the womb, period pain can be

experienced during the first few months post-insertion of the device. This is because during contraction of

the uterus or womb during menstruation, the body will still recognize the device as a foreign object and

hence cause irritation to the muscles and nerves of the uterus or womb and cause period pain to be


Period Pain from a Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

There is a vast body of gynecological knowledge built up within Traditional Chinese Medicine ever since

2000 years ago. Period pain was first mentioned in Traditional Chinese Medical literature in the 200 AD.

Instead of seeing period pain or menstrual cramp as non negotiable part of being a women which

resonates with the phenomenon in modern society now that most women believe period pain is a normal

part of the menstrual cycle, Traditional Chinese Medicine tackles and addresses period pain as a real

physiological health condition that needs attention and treatment.

Over thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine classical texts have recorded an array of reasons

and causes for period pain and the underlying health conditions and illnesses that can result in period

pain or menstrual cramps. Furthermore, Traditional Chinese medicine has its own unique vocabulary to

explain problems throughout the body that can manifest as health problems, including that for menstrual

cramps and period pain. It has the language and philosophy for understanding various female conditions.

Causes of Period Pain from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective

Given the fact that Traditional Chinese Medicine uses a different set of theories and philosophies for

diagnosis of illnesses, a process called ‘differential diagnosis’, a simple period pain or menstrual cramp

condition can have more than 10 different kinds of differential diagnosis which leads to different treatment

principle and treatment prescriptions for herbs, acupuncture or any other treatment modalities. This

unique approach to diagnosing and treating the pathological process of an illness or disease differentiates

Traditional Chinese Medicine from any other conventional medicines such as Western Medicine and even

other complementary and alternative medicines. Yet it is exactly because of this unique method that

effective treatment methods and formulas can be derived to bring about solutions that resolve the

illnesses and conditions – fast.

Through differential diagnosis, the causes of period pain or menstrual cramps can be broadly summarized

as below (although a more detailed diagnosis is needed to formulate the solutions and treatments

1.       Stagnations or blockages

Stagnations are also known as poor circulation within the body. In Traditional Chinese Medicinal

terminology, stagnations can occur at the level of Qi or Energy and Blood. In other words, Qi or Energy and

Blood flow to the uterus or womb is slowed down and blocked, causing a painful traffic jam in the flow.

This is equivalent to having a rock in the water stream or a narrowing of the water stream which results in

having poorer flow.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, with hindered or poor flow of Qi/Energy and Blood, pain occurs. Therefore

if the blockage or stagnation is at the uterus or womb region, period pain will be experienced.

Then the next question is, how does the stagnations or blockages occur? There are many factors involved,

in simplified summary, there are two main reasons.

i.                     Coldness

We know that heat gives energy and increase the temperature to objects, while coldness takes away

energy and results in drop of temperature. When we observe a water stream, we see that in summer, the

flow of water is smooth and flowing. However as the season turns to autumn and winter, the water starts to

slow down in the flow when the temperature drops and eventually becomes ice when the temperature

drops to zero and below.

The water stream is just like the blood vessels and meridian energy channels in human body. In coldness,

the flow of blood in the blood vessels and the flow of Qi/energy in the meridian energy channels slow

down. And when that happens, Blood and Qi/Energy can have the chance to coagulate and stagnate,

creating small blockages here and there along the vessels and channels that they are flowing in. When

small clots or blockages are formed, and with the flow still slowing down in rate, the areas where there are

already clots and blockages will start to attract and accumulate more coagulations. Eventually the clots

and blockages start to swell and grow in size. If such stagnations become really big, it will form what we

call the physical growths in the body parts such as lumps, cysts in the context of the uterus or womb.

During menstruation, the blood lining is meant to shed and flow out of the women’s body. With the already

slow flow in the Blood and Qi/Energy circulation, such shedding does not happen smoothly. In addition if

there are already physical blockages or stagnations building up, the shedding will be blocked and

obstructed by such physical growths and lumps. Anything that does not flow will cause irritation and

hence pain. This is the result of period pain.

Further reading: Why everything cold is discouraged during menstruation

Further reading: Root for illnesses 6 external factors

ii.                   Stress and extreme emotions

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, stress and emotions play a big part in the cause of many illnesses, in fact, I

should say all illnesses. Emotions are basically energy in motion. Stress and emotions affect the human

body at the level of Qi/energy.

With stress and extreme emotions, the flow of Qi and energy usually will be thrown into a haphazard

manner. When that happens, the flow is not smooth. When the flow of Qi and energy is not smooth, it will

then increase the chances for stagnations and blockages to occur.

And mentioned above, menstruation is a process that requires smooth flow of Qi and Blood so that the

whole process can occur without many hindrances and pain. Once the flow is already unsmooth before

the menstruation, it creates the environment for the shedding to not occur with ease. When that happens,

period pain results.

2.       Weaknesses

Another factor that can cause poor flow of Qi/Energy and Blood that people often do not realize is

weakness of Qi/Energy and Blood itself.

The analogy of this is that of the water stream has less water flowing in the channels. When there is less

water, the flow of the water will be slower and much more sluggish. When that happens, once again it

creates the conditions for blockages and stagnations to occur and increases the chances of pain during

menstruating period.

Furthermore, with weakness of Qi and Blood, the shedding of the linings will be difficult as less Qi and

Blood are available to drive the shedding during the menstruation. Because of that pain will be


Solutions to stop Period Pain from a Western Medicine Perspective


For Western Medicine, painkillers are usually prescribed to stop period pain.

Ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, naproxen, mefenamic acid,

codeine are some examples of the painkillers that are given to stop period pain if you go to a Western

Medicine doctor or a pharmacist.

However the side effects are as follows:

·       Nausea

·       Drowsiness

·       Dizziness

·       Itching

·       Depression

·       Sweating

·       A weakened immune system

·       Tolerance to the drug (which means your body needs more and more dosages of the same drug to be

able to achieve the same effect on the body)

·       Addiction (meaning you may develop a desire to keep taking these drugs even when you do not need

to take them anymore)


Contraceptives work in such a way that they contain hormones such as estrogen and progestin that will

block the hormone that cause contraction to the uterus or womb called Prostaglandins.

However the side effects are as follows:

·       Headaches

·       Irregular periods

·       Nausea

·       Enlarged breasts

·       Breast pain

·       Sudden weight loss or gain

·       Blood clots

·       Heart attack

·       Stroke

Solutions to stop Period Pain from a Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

As we can see, due to the multiple side effects from Western Medicinal drugs to stop period pain, a more

holistic approach is necessary to help stop period pain from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective.

Based on the causes of period pain from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, we can see that the

focus on stopping period pain with Traditional Chinese Medicine are

1.       To unblock stagnations and blockages

2.       To expel coldness or avoid coldness

3.       To reduce stress and extreme emotions

4.       To increase Qi/energy and Blood

So here are some practical tips from me to stop period pain from a natural holistic Traditional Chinese

Medicine and other ancient traditions medicine point of view:

1.       Exercise regularly

Movements can help to unblock stagnations and blockages within the body. Therefore exercise is the

must-do to help unblock any stagnations and blockages that are formed from prolonged sitting or simply

sedentary lifestyle and immobility.

Furthermore exercise can help to increase the happy hormones to negate the stress negative hormones

that can result in blockages and ultimately period pain. Read more about Acupuncture for Time Abundance here.

2.       Watch your attire

Nowadays fashion has it that some ladies will love

to wear clothes that expose their bellies or lower


Exposure of body parts such as the bellies and

the lower back can increase the absorption of the

exogenous factor of coldness into the body

especially where the womb or uterus is located

which can lead to stagnations and blockages of

Qi and Blood flow and hence period pain.

So wear clothes that cover your belly region and

lower back, especially when you know you are

near to or during your menstruation period.


3.       Drink hot tea made of red dates, ginger, brown sugar

During episodes of period pain, it is possible to

alleviate the pain without Western Medicine drugs

but with natural foods and teas.

Here I recommend the cocktail of red dates,

ginger and brown sugar that can stop period pain

fast and green.

The three ingredients have warming properties

which can help move stagnations and blockages.


Furthermore, all three ingredients can increase Qi and Blood nourishment which means they can help to

increase the materials within the channels and vessels to push the shedding of the lining during

menstruation period along with smoothness and ease.

4.       Acupressure points to help stop period pain immediately

Acupoints are known to stimulate the body system to achieve any pain relief effect almost immediately.

You can read more about how Acupuncture works, and how Acupuncture has effect from a scientific point

of view.

Acupoints can be stimulated either with pressure or acupuncture needles. When stimulated with pressure

from pressing, the technique is called acupressure. When stimulated with insertion of acupuncture

needles, the method is called acupuncture. So you can read which is the better one in my past blog here.

For self help, I will recommend

Acupoint He Gu

Location: Intersection point between base of thumb and index finger. Align your thumb crease with the

webbing between the other hand’s thumb and index finger, the point which the tip of the thumb rest on is

the acupoint.

Technique: Press and knead till the period pain dissipates.

Acupoint San Yin Jiao

Location: Four-finger wide above the inner ankle.

Technique: Press and knead till the period pain dissipates.

5.       Yoga Poses to help stop period pain immediately

Child’s pose

Child’s pose focuses on rest and recollection of oneself in body and mind. In this position the pelvic floor

relaxes and allow more space and blood flow at the uterus or womb, easing any period pain.


Reclining Butterfly Pose

Reclining Butterfly Pose relaxes the mind and opens the hips and groins. In that position, stress is reduced

and the pelvic floor relaxes to allow more space to the uterus or womb, soothing any period pain and


6.       Upkeep your Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture appointments

As mentioned above, acupuncture, herbal medicines can help resolve the underlying root cause for

period pain. Therefore it is best that one can upkeep with their Traditional Chinese Medicine and

Acupuncture appointment to maintain a healthy and happy womb that sheds painlessly every month.

Read more on how TCM and Acupuncture treat Infertility, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Recurrent Miscarriage, Menopause., Menopause and Adrenal Fatigue.