Women’s Health Series: Do You Think IVF Work?

I have helped many women who went through In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) procedures to prepare their bodies before and after implantations of the embryos with my knowledge and skills in Acupuncture. But am I a believer of IVF?

IVF in vitro fertilisation baby

Artificial and Unnatural

As mentioned in one of my previous blog posts, the procedure of IVF is a very artificial and forceful process in which the women’s body is flushed with hormones for accelerated eggs production and then rapid forced uterus lining thickening for implantation. There is basically nothing natural about this whole process. Not only that, everything was rushed within a short window of time. For me as a TCM physician, I support nature and organic. In Chinese we have a term called 顺其自然,meaning go with the flow. IVF is the total opposite of that.

Fertilization and Conception Require Affinity

The process of fertilization goes beyond forcing a ‘good’ sperm to come together with a ‘good’ egg as chosen and judged by another human. Real fertilisation requires affinity. And this affinity traces all the way to when the man and woman meet and then mate later on.

Similarly, conception goes beyond just planting the ‘man-made’ embryo into the uterus and waiting for it to successfully glue to the uterine lining. Real conception requires affinity too.

By affinity, I mean certain things are meant to be and certain things are not meant to be. Cause and effect, past actions or past inactions of both the man and woman and even ancestral lineages come into play. Because conception involves creation of another human being who is made up of flesh and blood and most importantly, soul, it has energetic connotations at play to the whole process of getting pregnant which is something that cannot be created in the laboratory.  

And I believe that is also the reason why so many IVFs fail, because they are man-created, rather than by the forces of nature/affinity.  And ironically yet naturally, they are not meant to be.

Read more on how TCM and Acupuncture treat Infertility, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Recurrent Miscarriages, Irregular Periods, Menopause, Menopause and Adrenal Fatigue.

Right Time and Space for Fertilization and Conception

In Fengshui, we say there are right time and space for fertilization and conception. Similarly there are methods to help conception using time, direction and space factors. With IVF, the fertilization takes place in the lab and the time is usually in the daytime (considering the scientists are having normal working hours).

Natural good fertilization occurs in a comfortable setting and usually at dusk hours. IVF does not cater for that.

Therefore the point when life is formed through IVF is against or not in line with nature.

Sex is Sacred

These days, sex is like drugs and alcohol. Done out of the desire for physical pleasure.

In ancient traditions, sex is an interplay of the sacred energies between the masculine and feminine prior to life creation. Sex is done out of love.  

In IVF, no sex is involved and everything is forced, mechanical and lab based. So is the newborn even if the procedure is successful. No wonder people these days are getting more and more insensitive, numbed, out of tune with their bodies and emotions and spiritually stunted.

We are technologically advanced, but we are indeed soulfully poor. IVF just exacerbates this.  

So my answer is clear.