Women’s Health Series: Side Effects of Hormone Pills

In my previous blog post on hormone pills, IUD and IVF, I have mentioned how hormone pills actually suppress women bodies’ connection with their inner intuitive wisdom. That is just the tip of an iceberg of what hormone pills can do to women’s bodies.


Today, hormone pills are revered as the go-to solution for seemingly all women’s health issues. From irregular periods to infertility, even from gynaecological issues to psychological conditions, hormone pills in current medical arena now despicably assumed ‘the magic pill’ title for almost all health problem resolutions especially for women. This happens not without the push factor from pharmaceutical companies deceitful marketing, but also the pull factors from human’s greed in gaining revenues in billions for such brainless cookie cutter business model and human’s sloth in always seeking the easy shortcut pill-popping way out for complicated problems.

As such, the society and the medical world have currently been successfully wired into this magic pill standard of procedure when comes to dealing with women’s health problems. You have PCOS, take this hormone pill. You have endometriosis, this hormone pill will do the trick. You have thyroid issues, take hormone pill. You have depression, take hormone pill. You have any problem, take hormone pill.


It is so much so that we keep taking them, naively thinking they ‘heal the problem’ that we carelessly dismiss the new problems that the pills create. Only to approach the doctors again and get more fancy magic pills to ‘cure’ other health problems that strangely enough seem to arise more and more, one after another. As a matter of fact, many of the pills actually worsen or intensify the core health concern that you first came to seek help for. Here are some examples:


Birth control pill that contains the hormones ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone for pregnancy prevention.

Actual Side Effects

Nausea, indigestion —> weight gain

Poor circulation, blood clots, breasts lumps

Severe abdominal pain

Claimed Benefits

Improve bloating & reduce water retention

Reduce heavy periods and cysts

Reduce period pain



Birth control pill that contains the hormones ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. It's also used to treat acne and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). 

Actual Side Effects

Depression, nausea, headache, mood swings, weight gain

Acne formation due to depression and mood swings and high cortisol stress hormones in body

Gallbladder disease

High Blood Pressure

Increased risk of blood clots, stroke and heart attack

Serious eye symptoms —> depression and anxiety

Serious heart symptoms —> depression and anxiety

Claimed Benefits

Treats PMDD symptoms like anxiety, depression, irritability, and weight gain

Treats acne


The list can go on but the pattern is the same.


Are you not blinded?