Hormone Imbalanced Skin and How Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture can Help Hormone Balance
Hormone imbalance can often present itself in different ways in the body. And skin being the largest organ in the body will definitely reflect such imbalances, unfiltered and obvious.
Here are some of the presentations of hormonal imbalance as reflected by the skin and the reason for such symptoms to show up from a scientific point of view.
Thereafter I will share how Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture can help to resolve such imbalances and return the smooth, glowing healthy skin to you.
Signs of Hormonal Imbalances in the Skin
1. Acne
Hormones control oil gland activity, so hormonal fluctuations can lead to overproduction of oil on the skin, blocking the pores and resulting in the formation of acne if there is clogging and inflammation.
Read more about Causes of Hormone Acne in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2. Brown Spots
Hormones also control melanin production. Melanin is the substance that produces hair, eye, and skin pigmentation. Some of the hormones that are responsible for that include interstitial cell-stimulating hormone, estrogens, melanocyte-stimulating hormone and adrenocorticotrophin. Therefore when there is hormone imbalance, melanin can be overproduced resulting in the formation of brown spots.
3. Dryness
Sudden drop in estrogen levels or thyroid hormone imbalance can reduce the production of skinβs natural oil and cause the skin to be dry. Such dryness is hard to be rectified even with moisturizer.
4. Dehydration
Hormonal imbalance especially elevated stress hormones dehydrate the skin. One may find that with stress the skin gets dehydrated, and wrinkles can be formed more easily and prominently.
5. Inflammation
Stress induced cortisol peaks or a prolonged estrogen-deprived state can ramp up inflammation in the skin. Presentations of inflammation in the skin can be rashes, redness, heat and even blistering.
How Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture can help Hormone Imbalanced Skin recover
General Health Rebalance
Hormone imbalance is seen in a different way from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory. The internal organs involved can be Liver, Spleen, Stomach and Kidney. It is necessary for the hormone imbalance to be properly diagnosed by a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor to assess which internal organ is responsible for the imbalance. Then herbs and acupuncture can be administered to help rebalance the hormones over a period of time. Read more about Acupuncture for Pineal Gland here.
Facial Health Improvement
Signature techniques in my practice includes facial acupressure, facial acupuncture, facial guasha and bojin and herbs can help to directly cure and treat the skin that is having issues due to the internal body hormone imbalance.
Read more of my TCM Facial Sculpting Regime here.