TCM Basics 101: What is Dryness

Dryness is one of the six external pathogenic factors of disease. It is the main factor of the climate of summer and autumn when the weather presents as a state of lack in moisture. It is, however, also common in artificial indoor environments such as air-conditioned or buildings with central heating.

Dryness mainly affects the Lungs through the channels of mouth and nose. Dryness can also result from internal Yin deficiency condition especially in the Spleen and Stomach.

There are generally two kinds of Dryness: Warm Dryness occurs most commonly in Late Summer and Early Autumn while Cool Dryness occurs most commonly in late Autumn and Early Winter.

Symptoms of Dryness

Dryness tends to consume and impair body fluids and the main organ affected is usually the Lungs. Below are some of the clinical presentations of Dryness when it imbalances the body.

·       Dry cough with little or sticky phlegm which is difficult to expectorate

·       Dry mouth, nose and eyes

·       Dry skin which may be rough and chapped

·       Dry scalp

·       Hair loss

·       Headache

·       Thirst

·       Little urine

·       Constipation

Treatment of Dryness

Food therapy, acupuncture, herbs, changes in lifestyle habits are the main ways to clear and nourish Dryness in the body. But depending on which kind of Dryness and the causes of it, we will have different acupoints and techniques for acupuncture and different concoctions of herbs to clear the dryness which I will not elaborate here but would recommend you to seek out the professional help.

Read more about Everything you need to know about Acupuncture here.

Read more about TCM Herbal Prescription here.


Food therapy

Taking the right kind of food can help to manage the dryness but it is not a full fledge solution. Always remember to seek out the professional help to get fully treated.

Here are some suggestions for food to take for Dryness.

Pear, bird’s nest, white chrysanthemum, wolfberry, dwarf lilyturf.

Lifestyle Habits

1.       Drink more water: Drinking more water will hydrate, nourish and ease off the Dryness in the body.

2.       Reduce usage of air condition: Air condition tends to dry the environment and increase dryness in the body. Allow normal aeration instead of air condition to counter Dryness.



Fei Shu (肺俞, BL-13), Feng Chi (风池, GB-20) are some of the common acupuncture points that can help ease off Dryness especially in the Lungs.