What is Adrenal Fatigue in Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine and How It can be Treated?
Western Medicine
Adrenal fatigue is a complex dysfunction of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis in the body which is a pathway of axis that results in production of cortisol or stress hormones and plays an important role in the body’s response to stress.
In a healthy normal body, when something stressful happens to us, the hormone and neurotransmitter called epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted and then 10 seconds later, the (HPA) axis is stimulated to bring about cortisol secretion from the adrenals which result in changes in the body physiology when stressed or frightened such as increased heart rate and perspiration. These are called the fight-and-flight response of the body activated in order to put the body in a mode to face the dangers that are posed to its survival.
Proper functioning of the HPA axis is crucial in helping us deal with stressors, but repeated stress has the potential to disrupt the beneficial physiological role of the HPA axis. Because the HPA axis is overly stimulated from chronic stress, the adrenal glands which are at the end of axis can become drained and unable to keep pace with the demands of the perpetual fight-and-flight arousal.
The symptoms in the checklist for adrenal fatigue are due to the constant elevated cortisol levels which result in suppressed immunity, type 2 diabetes, excess fat deposition, cardiovascular diseases, detrimental effects on memory and cognition, mood disorders such as depression.
Existing Western Medicine blood tests are not sensitive enough to detect a small decline in adrenal function but the body does as all the symptoms can be felt and experienced by the sufferer of adrenal fatigue.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the five main organs theory do not have adrenals as one of the main organs. But because the adrenal glands are sitting on top of the kidneys, they thus have close relations to the Kidneys, energetically and functionally.
When the adrenals are drained or fatigued, it can sometimes tap into the Kidney reserves. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the functions of Kidneys are not just for water metabolism but also for reproduction, hair growth, hearing, memory, sex drive, life span. Therefore when the adrenals are drained due to overstimulation from stress, it can hurt the Kidney and affect the functions associated with it.
On top of the list of symptoms in the checklist for adrenal fatigue, some symptoms that people who are undergoing adrenal fatigue but do not usually associate with poor adrenal glands or Kidney functions can include tinnitus, brain fog, low libido, infertility, hair loss, insomnia or disrupted sleep.
Read more about Menopause and Adrenal Fatigue here.
How Adrenal Fatigue can be treated
As mentioned, adrenal fatigue is a condition when the patient feel extremely miserable in many aspects of their lives but blood tests show nothing significant in physiology of the body. In such grey area cases, Traditional Chinese Medicine and other natural holistic methods prove to help prominently and efficiently before any further physiological damage is created.
Acupuncture is known for balancing hormones and reducing stress hormones secretion through calming the body and the nervous system. This can reduce the cortisol secretion which results in the tapering down of adrenal glands stimulation in chronic stress situations.
Acupuncture can treat all the symptoms and conditions resulted from the dysfunction of the HPA axis such as increasing immunity, balancing blood sugar, fat burning, upliftment of mood which can in turn regain the integrity of the HPA axis.
When the right acupoints are stimulated, the Kidneys can be renourished, reenergized and rejuvenated. This can in turn result in the adrenal glands to similarly be recharged.
Herbal medicines
Herbal medicines can be targeted for Kidney nourishment. Usually when there is adrenal fatigue, the malnourished Kidneys will start to affect other organ systems such as the Stomach and Spleen, Heart, Liver and Lungs.
Herbal medicines can be formulated to aid in balancing other organ systems at the same time of renourishment of the Kidneys.
Some of the Kidney nourishment herbs used for adrenal fatigue can be Goji berries, astragulus root, licorice.
Qigong breathing exercises
Qigong consists of various sets of exercises that aim to direct the breath for health balancing and strengthening. In Qigong breathing exercises, the focus will be on the Dantian area which is about 2 inch below the belly button. This is the point which is also known as the “field of elixir” and is the seat of life force energy. This tallies with the Kidneys in Traditional Chinese Medicine which holds the life essences of a person. Learning how to do the Qigong breathing exercises can renourish the Kidneys through simply the breath.
Yoga breathing exercises
Yoga breathing exercises are known as pranayama. In treating adrenal fatigue, breathwork such as Nadi Shodhana Pranayama or alternate nostril breathing can help to clear the energy channels that are blocked from chronic stress. Ujjayi pranayama can calm the mind and bring about an immense sense of relaxation and stop the continuous overstimulation of the adrenal glands.