Science of Sexual Dysfunction – It’s Deeper Than You Think

Sexual dysfunction is a problem that can happen during any phase of the sexual response cycle. The impact of this is that it can prevent a person from experiencing satisfaction from sexual activity.

Sexual dysfunction generally is classified into four categories:

  • Desire disorders: lack of sexual desire or interest in sex.

  • Arousal disorders: inability to become physically aroused or excited during sexual activity.

  • Orgasm disorders: delay or absence of orgasm (climax).

  • Pain disorders: pain during intercourse.

The conventional solutions to sexual dysfunctions are usually using medications and drugs, sex toys or simply being adventurous with sexual engagements which usually serve more like a bandaid than a cure. The reason being the science of sexual dysfunction goes way beyond such superficial levels and requires a transformation from the core level that results in this problem.

Perception of Sex is Conditioned and Wired

Our nervous system does not optimize for what is amazing. It usually optimize for what is safe and known, and the way that we have sex is an expression of what our nervous system feels is safe for us. And what feels safe is often a combination of what we’ve always known and the messages, the belief system we have received and inherited.

So our sex life is not often a product of what we are capable of or our wildest dreams. But how we learn to have sex as teenagers or young adults combined with what our family and society taught us about sex. And that gets wired into our nervous system. So our nervous system functions sexually as a combination of all the experiences we have had and especially our early experiences from the messaging of our family, religion, peers, media and internet, which is usually not a positive or empowering cocktail.


Some Cultural messages on Sex:

  • Moral message is that sex is bad or wrong or sinful and you are evil or bad or wrong in your sexuality.

  • Medical message is that you are about to be diseased or have an unwanted pregnancy and sex is dangerous.


So when we are operating from these inherited belief systems that we have about ourselves and what is possible, it depresses our sexual functioning. And indeed our beliefs truly do affect our sexual abilities.

Research shows that women who believe that age diminishes sexual desire and activity are twice as likely to experience low sexual desire as women who do not hold this belief. Men with erectile dysfunction had strong beliefs about sexual inadequacy such as sex is always about penetration which contributed to the development and sustaining of their erectile difficulties. And all of us carry limiting sexual beliefs to some degree. So to truly thrive in our sexuality, we have to reprogram this internalized conditioning so that our nervous system can really shift and transform and express differently. This is the core of the problem which we have to address to cure sexual dysfunction.

Rewiring and Reconditioning for Better Sex

To rewire and upgrade the nervous system, specific acupuncture, herbal medicines, Tension and Trauma Release therapy in my practice and many other treatment modalities can create a much deeper transformation within so that the body and mind can let go of old limiting beliefs, wounds and deeply programmed sex negativity. Only then can a whole new level of sexuality become possible.


Xiang Jun Lim