TCM Basics 101: What is Phlegm

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, phlegm is one of endogenous pathological factors in Traditional Chinese Medicine which is one of the key causes for a variety of diseases. Phlegm begins to appear in the body when the body fluid is not transported by vital energy normally and accumulates in certain parts of the body after being condensed. Phlegm has the characteristics of being viscous and turbid.

Read about What is Dampness for another pathological factor here.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, phlegm is broadly categorized into 2 groups, namely the broadly defined phlegm and the narrowly defined phlegm. The broadly defined phlegm is invisible in which if it accumulates in different body parts it can result in various symptoms which are representative of some common major illnesses. For example if the invisible phlegm accumulate in the chest and block the channels and vessels of the heart, it can lead to choking or crushing chest discomfort, shortness of breath, heavy feeling in the limbs, gastric stuffiness, sticky slimy sensations in the mouth which is also typical of the manifestations of angina.

The major illnesses that can be a result of phlegm (invisible) accumulation are listed here:

- Angina

- Coronary heart diseases

- Anorexia

- Obesity

- Vertigo

- Nausea

- Vomiting


The other illnesses that can be a result of phlegm (visible) accumulation are listed here:

- Chronic coughing

- Growths and tumors

- Cysts

- Migraine and headache

Formation of Phlegm


Spleen in Traditional Chinese Medicine governs the transportation of water and has the function to turn food into nutritive refined substance and transport these substances to the whole body. When the function of spleen is deficient or loss, water and food cannot be transported or transformed normally, which results in phlegm formation and the consistency of being turbid. With the turbidity of phlegm, the energy flow or qi is obstructed, and the internal organs energy flow is disrupted, causing various illnesses as listed above to form.

Causes of Phlegm


1.       Overexertion


Overworking or overexercising can weaken the Spleen and its energy, resulting in the Spleen’s malfunction and inability to process water and food, causing the formation of phlegm.


2.       Poor Dietary Habits


Irregular eating, consuming cold or raw foods and drinks, skipping meals, not eating enough or overeating can all weaken Spleen energy.

Read more about Why TCM doctors always advise against Cold here.


3.       Emotional Imbalances


Overthinking, worrying or feeling anxious can lead to mental strain and damage the Spleen energy.


4.       Existing Dampness or Increased in Dampness of Body


Existing dampness in the body or situations where dampness in the body is increased such as exposure to higher humidity, taking of food that results in dampness increase can all weaken the Spleen and creates Spleen energy deficiency.



Treatment of Phlegm

Food therapy, acupuncture and herbs are the three main ways to clear phlegm from the body. But depending on which kind of phlegm, we will have different acupoints and techniques for acupuncture and different concoctions of herbs to clear the phlegm out which I will not elaborate here but would recommend you to seek out the professional help.

Read more about Everything you need to know about Acupuncture here.

Read more about TCM Herbal Prescription here.

Read about the Difference between Dampness and Phlegm here.

Read about Colours of Phlegm here.

Food Therapy

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, phlegm is created when digestion and fluid metabolism are not functioning properly. To address this through diet, foods that contribute to phlegm are avoided or modified and foods that support healthy digestion are emphasized.

Taking the right kind of food can help to manage the phlegm but it is not a full fledge solution. Always remember to seek out the professional help to get fully treated.

Here are some suggestions for food to take for clearing phlegm.

Foods to help clear Phlegm

Orange peel, millet, red bean

Foods to avoid to prevent accumulation of Phlegm

Cold foods like ice cream or smoothies, iced drinks including ice water, overly sweet foods, refined sugars