Ask Dr Xiang Jun: What Should You Not Do Before Acupuncture?
Simply put, the insertion of thin needles into acupoints in the body, which are neurovascular nodes that contain a high concentration of sensory fibers, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and mast cells, will promote blood flow that will bring everything the body that needs to heal such as oxygen, nutrients, immune substances, hormones, painkillers and anti inflammatories to the area of lesion, hence reducing inflammation at that area.
You can read more about how TCM Acupuncture works scientifically in my other blog post.
Therefore, there are indeed a few things that you should not do before Acupuncture due to the effects of Acupuncture on the body.
1. Intensive sports.
This is because intensive sports will increase the heart rate and the release of adrenaline which will make it harder for the body to rest, relax and heal with Acupuncture.
2. Take cold water or foods.
Acupuncture is to improve the circulation of the body. Taking cold foods and water right before the acupuncture session will impede the circulation which can result in the decrease in effectiveness of the acupuncture treatment.
3. Fasting.
It is important to not go to an acupuncture session on an empty stomach. Doing so may cause fainting and shocks during the acupuncture session.
You can read more about Everything you need to know about Acupuncture on my website blog to find out more about Acupuncture.
Further Reading:
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
Can I do Acupuncture during Menstruation Period?
How Acupuncture Help with Fatigue
Facial Acupuncture - How to differentiate the real deal from the fakers
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