Ask Dr Xiang Jun: Can I do Acupuncture during Menstruation Period?

As mentioned in my previous articles on how TCM works scientifically and why acupuncture works, acupuncture has the effect of mainly promoting blood flow, reducing inflammation, relieving pain, restoring homeostasis.

During menstruation, it is the shedding of the lining of the uterus which is part of the cycle of reproductive system and it prepares the body for possible pregnancy. As the uterus lining sheds, the blood that flows out of the reproductive system remove substances or toxins that the body no longer needs as well. In a way, this is a kind of detox that is exclusive to the women’s bodies.

Having said that, many people may have the misconception that acupuncture during menstruation period may cause more uterine lining to shed and more blood may be lost as a result of the promotion of blood flow due to acupuncture.

This is correct, if the doctor attending the patient does not have the right knowledge and skills in administering acupuncture correctly during menstruation period.

Acupuncture can be executed for the effects of both promoting and slowing down blood flow. The determining factor for which kind of effect will be created depends on the acupoints and techniques of the doctor administering the acupuncture procedure. It is therefore important for patients to let the doctor know if they are on their menstrual cycle before the acupuncture session. The doctor, if professionally trained and possesses the right knowledge and skills, will be able to carry out the acupuncture session during menstruation period without increasing menstruation period blood flow unnecessarily.


Hence the answer is yes, you can do acupuncture during menstruation period, provided your doctor knows how to handle your body’s blood and energy flow during the period with the right expertise and knowledge.