Women’s Health Series: Menstrual Cycle and Intuitive Wisdom

In my other blog post, I mentioned about how menstruation is deemed as dirty and unnecessary by many

women in today’s society. This is a very wrong view as in ancient times, the menstrual cycle and female

body were seen as sacred. Reason being the menstrual cycle is highly connected to the cycles of the

macrocosmic nature, such as the moon cycles, the tides, the seasons. All the cyclical changes in nature

are reflected in each individual women’s menstrual cycle. Just like how life is created and then go through

growth and eventually death, an egg released from ovulation similarly goes through that cycle of birth and


The menstrual cycle governs the flow of not only blood and fluids but also of information and creativity.

At different times of the menstrual cycle, a woman’s body receives and processes information differently at different cyclical periods.

From the point of menstruation to ovulation, an egg is ripening and in a way is preparing for a new birth.

During this time, a woman’s intuitive wisdom of outward expression is often in full swing. She can be full of

energy and enthusiasm and will be highly outgoing to extend a helping hand to anyone and everyone.

During ovulation mid cycle, the woman’s womb is more fertile and ready for fertilization of the egg. During

this time, the woman’s intuitive wisdom is of higher receptivity and openness to new suggestions and


During the period of pre menstruation, a woman’s intuitive wisdom will become more inward directed and

she will be more connected to her personal inner pains and pains of others and the universe. During this

time, a woman is almost like an energy sponge, picking up the positive and negative energies of whoever

and whatever is around her. Which is also the reason why during this premenstrual period, a woman

should take time to rest and be alone to process whatever is going through her and within her.

The woman’s intuitive wisdom changes and differs during different periods of the menstrual cycle. And this

intuitive instinct changes and becomes different after menopause. The point is the menstrual cycle is

connected to a woman’s intuition. Having to know that the woman’s inner wisdom is bound to the

menstrual cycle, how does modern pharmaceutical drugs, pills, birth procedures interfere with a woman’s

body and mind?

Read on more in my next blog post.

Read more on how TCM and Acupuncture treat Infertility, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Recurrent Miscarriage, Menopause., Menopause and Adrenal Fatigue.