Everything you need to know about Hemorrhoids - Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
Hemorrhoids are also commonly known as piles. They are like varicose veins but the swollen veins are
located at the anus and lower rectum.
Hemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum and they are known as internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids
that are developed under the skin around the anus are called external hemorrhoids. There are also
incidences when a person can have internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids at the same time and
they are known as mixed hemorrhoids.
This is a disease with high incidence rate and high reoccurrence rate.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, hemorrhoids are viewed from a different philosophical school of thought
and treatments exist in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat and cure hemorrhoids fully, without the need
for any surgery.
First let us understand what hemorrhoids are from a physiological perspective in Western Medicine.
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
The signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids depend on the kind of hemorrhoids developed.
External hemorrhoids
· Swelling around anus
· Bleeding
· Pain
· Itching or irritation
Internal hemorrhoids
· Bleeding without pain during bowel movement. The colour of bleeding is darker than that of external
· Swollen veins can protrude out from the anal sphincter as the area may be weakened due to intense
pressure from straining during bowel movement or extra weight from pregnancy or obesity. The
protruded swollen veins will then need to be pushed back.
Thrombosed hemorrhoids
This occurs when blood pools in the external hemorrhoid and forms a clot and causes swelling, severe
pain, lump at anus, inflammation and irritation.
Causes of Hemorrhoids in Western Medicine
Increased pressure in lower rectum can cause veins around anus to stretch, bulge and swell under pressure. Some of the reasons for increased pressure in lower rectum are:
· Pregnancy
· Diarrhea
· Sitting too long on the toilet
· Straining while on the toilet
· Sedentary lifestyle
· Lack of fibre in diet
· Obesity or weight gain
· Aging
· Regular heavy lifting
· Genetics
Complications of Hemorrhoids
Complications for hemorrhoids are rare but possible. Some of them include anemia due to chronic blood
loss from hemorrhoids, extreme pain from strangulated hemorrhoid when the blood supply to internal
hemorrhoid is cut off, extreme pain from blood clot at external hemorrhoid.
Treatment of Hemorrhoids in Western Medicine
Over-the-counter products
People often deal with the itching, pain and discomfort from hemorrhoids with over-the-counter products
such as creams containing phenylephrine that can help to constrict blood vessels and witch hazel to
soothe the discomfort. However they do not cure the hemorrhoids from the root.
Prescribed pharmaceutical drugs
Doctors will often prescribe stronger drugs and medications such as steroid cream and hydrocortisone
rectal suppositories for easing the discomfort of hemorrhoids.
Outpatient procedures
If the hemorrhoids persist and worsen, there are outpatient procedures such as rubber band ligation,
sclerotherapy, infrared photocoagulation, electrocoagulation which aims to cut off blood supply to the
hemorrhoid and the hemorrhoid will form a scar tissue and eventually fall off.
Hemorrhoids can be surgically removed and prolapsed tissues can be pushed back to the anus with
hemorrhoid stapling and hemorrhoidectomy.
Although the surgeries may be helpful for some cases, the recovery can be long and painful and may hold
potentials for complications.
Causes of Hemorrhoids in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Differential diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine sees causes of hemorrhoids from different
viewpoints. The causes for hemorrhoids can involve the system of Qi or energy, Blood, exogenous factors
of excessive heat and dryness in body.
1. Spleen Qi Deficiency: When the Qi or energy in the Spleen is weak, poor digestion which results in
bloating, diarrhea, loose stools can occur. This causes the hemorrhoids formed to be swollen but usually
not red.
2. Qi sinking: This occurs when the Qi or energy in the body is unable to properly uplift the organs and
may accompany prolapse of bladder and uterus or other body organs. The hemorrhoids that are formed
are also usually swollen but not red.
3. Blood stagnation: This cause for hemorrhoids is common among people who sit for prolonged
periods of time, resulting in blood circulation to be compromised.
4. Excessive heatiness: People with excessive heatiness in their bodies, especially the lower part of the
body, and triggered with alcohol, spicy food, fried foods can form hemorrhoids that are swollen, red, tend
to bleed and has a burning sensation.
5. Excessive dryness: Dehydration from lack of water intake can result in constipation and dry, difficult
bowel movements. This often leads to the irritation at the anal or rectum area, resulting in the formation of
Treatment of Hemorrhoids in Traditional Chinese Medicine
For Traditional Chinese Medicine, treatments can be acupuncture, herbs and other modalities and are
usually planned with differentiation of the hemorrhoid condition based on cause of disease, on the basis of
clinical characteristics, and pattern identification.
There are various techniques in acupuncture that are used to treat hemorrhoids. Also a well learned
Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor should identify the cause of the hemorrhoids first followed by
choosing other acupoints that are specific for the kind of hemorrhoids according to differential diagnosis.
Therefore, seeking out a skilled and credible Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor is of utmost importance
in the treatment journey of hemorrhoids.
There are formulas of herbs that can be catered for curing different causes of hemorrhoids.
Used both internally and externally, the herbal formulations can help relieve inflammation and pain,
strengthen the Spleen energy and lubricate the digestive tract.
Yoga Solutions for Hemorrhoids
Shoulder Stand
Inversions can help with reducing the prolapse of hemorrhoids and alleviate the pain and discomfort from
this condition.
Shoulder stand is one solution that can help to calm the nerves and reduce the pressure at the lower
rectum and anus region.
Self Help Tips from Traditional Chinese Medicine for Hemorrhoids
· Avoid prolonged sitting on toilet bowls for bowel movement.
· Cut down on spicy, oily, fried foods.
· Drink lots of water throughout the day to keep the body cool and the colon lubricated.
· Avoid over exertion through heavy weight lifting
· Get ample rest to rejuvenate and reenergize to keep the energy in the body uplifted.
Further reading:
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
How do Acupuncture and Acupressure work and which is the Better One
Scientific Proof to How Your Body React to Acupuncture - Hemorrhoids