Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Aging

Regular sessions of Acupuncture and TCM can reverse aging.

I was reading on the book “Lifespan” by David Sinclair, the professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School which distills his cutting-edge research findings on the biological processes underpinning aging. And I feel like I have been thrown back to my Biomedical Science days where terms like chromosomes, mitochondria, ATP, transcription factors just flew all over the lecture rooms.

I have been agreeable to what Sinclair has proposed and am marveled by his work and projections. The lifestyle suggestions he made for anti-aging are in sync with a lot of traditional medicines theories too. And this drives me to want to seek out traces of evidence that ancient practices can have effect on our body on the molecular and cellular level.

Yet the literature found is scarce on the internet and the studies are mostly not that rigorous. But still 1 paper is found to suggest that TCM Acupuncture have positive effects on the cellular level for age reversal.


Conclusion: The brain aging of the SAMP10 mice is related with abnormal expressions of NF-E2, YB-1 and LRG47 genes; and acupuncture can regulate the expressions of NF-E2, YB-1 and LRG47 genes, strengthening the functions of erythrocyte series, increasing the proliferation of cells and enhancing the cellular immune function in anti-bacteria, hence delaying aging.