TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Chamomile


TCM Nature: Cooling

TCM Taste: Aromatic, sweet

TCM Meridian Affinity:  Lungs, Heart, Stomach, Liver


·       Anti-inflammatory

·       Moves and releases Qi stagnation

·       Strengthens Stomach

·       Regulate menses with clotting

Read more about Why Everything Cold is Discouraged during Menstruation

·       Calms nerves


The Egyptians offered the flowers to their Sun God Ra, and the Germans referred to the herb as “capable of anything”.

In the Middle Ages chamomile flowers were strewn about the floor and home to sweeten the air.

Chamomile is a symbol for energy in action or adversity. It is an herb of the sun and is therefore associated with regeneration, healing and protection. 

Associated with being able to attract money, gamblers will wash their hands with chamomile to insure good luck.

Further reading:

Read more about TCM Herbal Medicine Prescription on my TCM Wellness page.