Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Hemorrhoids

Frequent and regular sessions of Acupuncture are effective in the treatment of Hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids or piles are one of the most common conditions presented at the anus, rectum and sigmoid colon area of the body.  The clinical manifestations can include but not limited to bleeding, prolapse, edema, and pain, which can severely affect patients’ quality of life.

It is believed that hemorrhoids are caused by abnormal expansion and twisting of blood vessels, destruction of supportive connective tissues in the anal cushions, and angiogenesis which is the formation of new blood vessels.

Most symptoms related to hemorrhoid can be treated non-surgically, and when non-surgical treatment is ineffective, surgery is usually chosen. However, complications such as difficulty in defecation, persistent pain, and heavy bleeding may occur after the operation.


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture can effectively alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoid, reducing pain level and improving the quality of life for patients.


According to TCM philosophy, hemorrhoids occur due to dampness heat and wind pushing down the large intestine, blood stasis, stagnant blood and qi not circulating, and muscles and veins crisscrossing to form hemorrhoids. The treatment mainly includes clearing heat and draining dampness, cooling blood to stop bleeding, activating blood to expel wind, and nourishing to replenish qi.


According to Science, acupuncture can help to treat hemorrhoids through improving symptoms of heaviness and prolapse in the anus and protecting anal cushion tissue by increasing Fibulin levels, reducing level of matrix metalloproteinases thereby reducing damage to anal cushion tissues.

Here are some other scientific papers that support that Acupuncture can help treat hemorrhoids:


Read more about How TCM acupuncture works here.

Read another blog post here on Everything You Need to Know about Hemorrhoids - Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture

Conclusion: Acupuncture at Kŏngzuì acupoint has sound effect for treatment of internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoid.


Conclusion:  Acupuncture can help relieve the pain symptoms of hemorrhoids and subsequently treatment of the hemorrhoids.