Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Neck & Shoulders Aches and Pains
Regular sessions of Acupuncture can release tension at the neck and shoulder areas which are usually the basis for sprains and strains.
I cannot emphasize more of how Acupuncture can help release tension and maintain the suppleness of the muscles at the neck and shoulders area. 60% - 70% of the ailments I see in my practice are related to pain and half of them are at the neck and shoulders area.
Neck and shoulder tension are highly related to stress, burdens, repression of expression. (I’ll talk more about that in another post as it is a big topic on trapped emotions and muscle tension). It is highly advisable to release these tensions regularly to prevent the build up of the pressure at these muscles which can then lead to increase susceptibility to acute tear, strains and sprains.
The scientific proofs of how acupuncture can help with neck and shoulders aches and pains are heaps and I’m just going to pull out a few from the mountain pile.
Conclusion: The results confirm and strengthen previous key findings that acupuncture has a clinically relevant effect compared with no acupuncture control," These effects appeared to persist for at least 12 months after receiving acupuncture.
Conclusion: When acupuncture was added onto conventional treatment it relieved pain better, and electroacupuncture relieved pain even more.
Conclusion: Acupuncture was found to be more effective for non-specific shoulder pain than physiotherapy in the medium term and more effective for frozen shoulder than physiotherapy in the short and medium term based on one low quality and two high quality studies.
Further reading:
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
Scientific Proof to How Your Body React to Acupuncture - Migraine
Scientific Proof to How Your Body React to Acupuncture - Aging
Scientific Proof to How Your Body React to Acupuncture - Sleep
Scientific Proof to How Your Body React to Acupuncture - Sinusitis Allergies
Scientific Proof to How Your Body React to Acupuncture - Snoring