Ask Dr Xiang Jun: Is Chocolate Really Good as Positive Emotion Builder?
This is a question posted to me in one of my talks during the Q & A which I did not have enough time to give a complete and good answer. Also I find that this question brings out deeper insights which I will like to share.
I have made a video for the answer to this question and also wrote an extended version of the answer to this question in this blog post.
Ask Me Anything: Is Chocolate Really A Positive Emotion Builder
Transient Pleasure
Chocolate can be a form of comfort food that gives a sense of pleasure for the eater. This is because the tryptophan that is present in the chocolate is linked to the production of serotonin which produces feelings of happiness which can make a person feel happy and positive.
However, this is delusionary and dangerous as one may mistake the pleasure they felt from chocolate as positive emotion that will stay with them forever, when in fact the pleasure gotten from chocolate only provides a transient feeling of satisfaction and a false sense of happiness.
Addictive Pleasure
Equivalent to chocolate, comfort foods that can bring about nostalgia and sentiment to a person and other forms of indulgences such as alcohol, smoking, sex, emotional spending can similarly give rise to the feeling of pleasure. Because such pleasure can give rise to good feelings within a person, some people may become dependent and even addicted to reenacting the pleasure from these foods and activities. Over time, instead of the good feelings that arise, health problems such as weight gain, obesity, alcoholism, cancer, eating disorders, financial and relationship problems ensue instead, putting one’s life into a state of crisis, pain and suffering. What initially is thought to bring jubilation is actually the start of hell.
Pleasure Escapism
To use chocolate and other forms of indulgences to create illusionary positive emotions to mask the negative ones is equivalent to sweeping dust under the rug. It is an escape. An escape from the realities of problems that are bringing about the negative emotions that one may be feeling. An escape from facing what you truly want and what you truly don’t want.
Goodness of Negative Emotions
The purpose of emotions, regardless of what they are, is to help us identify and move toward fulfilment of our needs, dreams, goals, and desires. When our needs for rest, touch, acceptance, and recognition are satisfied, we feel good and we thrive. When we feel left out, frightened or angry, it indicates that we have a need that we have not identified, let alone figured out how to satisfy. There is a purpose for having emotions. There is an even greater purpose for negative emotions.
So instead of using chocolate to attempt to build up positive emotions, why not have the courage to work through the negative emotions that are telling you something deeper about the true happiness of your life?
Read more about Acupuncture for Motivation and Acupuncture for Time Abundance here.
Further Reading:
Are you suffering from High Functioning Anxiety?
Dangers of High Functioning Anxiety
Conventional Treatment of High Functioning Anxiety and their Accompanying Side Effects
Holistic View on High Functioning Anxiety
Everything you need to know about Anxiety
Everything you need to know about Depression
What Mental Illnesses Actually Look Like
The Grass is Not Always Greener on the Other Side
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
Testimonial for Sleep Improvement
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