What Mental Illnesses Actually Look Like?

Mental health is brought to attention so much more after we have been through the pandemic and put us through tests in our mental and emotional capacity to take stress from confinement of our travels and social interactions.

Nevertheless, mental illnesses have existed since ancient times yet their presentations are more obvious and straightforward as mentioned in my previous blog. And Traditional Chinese Medicines treat with great effectiveness and humane methods without killing off the brain cells and nerves of the person with chemicals and drugs in the modern world today.

The fad these days is about internalizing everything so that on the outside we can still be functional or at least appear to be. It is a double up in pressure as we are dealing with the actual issue deep within yet also trying to upkeep the normal shell. But there are some behavioural patterns, signs and symptoms that we can tell if one is actually suffering mentally. And it is absolutely good to know so that we can identify that there is a problem and that we can either help ourselves or others early.

Here are some of them:

1.       Cancelling plans at the last minute frequently

2.       Eating all the time or not at all

3.       Mood swings that last for hours or days

4.       Frequent isolation in the belief to not be a burden to everyone

5.       Frequent meltdowns

6.       Frequent outbursts and flare ups over tiny insignificant matters