My First Yoga-TCM Student

Now that I am offering more yoga and meditation classes online, it brings back memory of how my teaching journey started for yoga. So maybe I should write a short post about it.


It was a few months before my departure for my TCM studies and I was already certified to teach Yoga at that point. I literally just started doing flyers and start posting into mailboxes around my neighbourhood. I know, it was indeed the old traditional way of marketing. But somehow it worked.

I had a neighbour that lived a few blocks down called me up. She said she was interested to start on Yoga and what was the earliest I could do. I said maybe 7.30am. And she asked if 6am was alright. Somehow I may be in a daze but I just answered yes. Thank you very much to me.

So there it was, I had to wake up at 4plus am and walked over to her place.

Then I realized she was a cancer patient and she was still undergoing treatment. She was bald when I first saw her as she covered her head with a bandanna.

So all my plans to work my first student out with flows and maybe strong Yang practice had to be scrapped. And I replanned my lessons on the spot for her. Breathing, lots of Yin practice with infusion of my TCM knowledge, all done when the Sun was not up yet. I still remembered how chilly it was to walk over to her place and how cold the wind was when we sat down to do the short grounding practice.

Nevertheless, I remembered researching quite a bit on how to work with cancer patients with yoga and then the days of walking to and fro between her place and mine.

That lasted for a few months and thereafter I left town for my studies. It was I think near to one year when I was in Beijing that I got to know she had passed.

Of course the emotions came up but I remembered saying a silent prayer to her, hoping she had experienced how life had passed through her during the yoga sessions and that she was in a better place now.

That was my first Yoga-TCM student.