Tai Jiao – New Perspectives 5 Years On
It came to me as an inspiration to write about this topic again as I realized out of the blue that I have many mums-to-be and dads-to-be in my practice now.
This topic about Tai Jiao (胎教) or Prenatal education was written by me for Sassymama online platform in 2015 when I was still working as a consultant for one of my past integrative clinics. You can take a look here at my lengthy article about this topic in the past.
5 years on, I will like to give some new perspective to this old article that I have written as I have grown, learnt and seen more in my clinical practice.
1. Tai Jiao applies to Fathers-to-be too
In my old article, my focus was still mainly on the pregnant mothers doing the main prenatal teachings through their own moral cultivation and emotional stability. But today, I want to extend these cultivations to fathers-to-be too. Reason being:
i) When fathers are similarly cultivating emotional stability during the pregnancy period of their wives, it can have a positive impact on the ladies which in turn supports them in their own emotional stability. Imagine fathers coming home stressed, worried about jobs etc, how can the wives not be affected by the emotions of their partners? Being pregnant can be a whole new experience for new mums, and support from the family is definitely much needed. If the husbands display signs of instability, do you think the pregnant mothers can have an ease of heart for the unborn baby and the future?
ii) Moral cultivation is definitely not just limited to pregnant mothers. Energetically, the baby is a merge and crystallization of the masculine and feminine. So the baby’s development is also affected by the thoughts and actions of the father during the unborn stage. How the fathers think, behave and act during the pregnancy period will impact the unborn child through energetic imprints.
Read about another blog post on How You Behave on the Mat reflects on how you behave in Life here.
2. Prenatal sensory and motor training includes avoid listening and participating in gossiping, judging and acts of unkindness and immorality
In my old article, I suggested a few ways for prenatal sensory and motor training but this part I will just add on to abstinence of the undesirables to make the information more whole.
So we all know about sound waves and energy in motions. Similarly in gossiping or talking bad about people, judging and acts of unkindness and immorality, these emits sound frequency and energy that are in the low vibrational range. The unborn child will receive such vibration and absorb them much easier as it is still in the development stage when things can be moulded and changed so much faster. In worst cases, physical manifestations may come in the form of deformities or poor sense organs if they are exposed to such low vibration and energy frequently and repeatedly. Read about another blog post on Be Kind to Unkind People here.
Further reading:
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
Men’s Health Series: Which is the Better Way to Treat Prostatitis - TCM or Western Medicine?
How do Acupuncture and Acupressure work and which is the Better One
Everything you need to know about Dampness
It is not normal to have cysts and fibroids
Why Everything Cold is Discouraged during Menstruation