TCM Pediatric Massage for your Little Ones

Pediatric massage is a form of external Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy to stimulate specific acupuncture points or areas to treat and prevent  paediatric diseases in children. It also helps to stimulate growth and brain development in children. In this article, we will explore what exactly is paediatric massage, some basic theories behind this form of massage, its advantages and who can benefit most from this massage and lastly, a short routine that can be done daily by parents for the general wellness of their little loved ones.

              “Do children need massage too? How does massage help them?” These are some of the questions that many parents may ask when they first heard of paediatric massage. As a matter of fact, paediatric massage is one form of external treatment or physiotherapy commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Basically, paediatric massage has the function of promoting the flow of qi and blood and harmonizing the workings of the organs. If done consistently on a long term basis, it can even enhance the physical fitness and immunity of children. Some of the conditions that can be treated with paediatric massage are paediatric constipation, diarrhoea, torticollis, fever, cough, cerebral palsy, myopia, growth retardation, to name a few.  On top of that, it is distinctive in improving the digestive system of children. 

              This form of therapy is simple, economical, practical and effective. It does not involve any injection or medication, hence it will not cause phobia in children towards the therapy and does not carry the side effects that medications have. As such, this form of therapy is more well received by children and parents.

              Paediatric massage is effective for children below 6 years old, with suitability and effectiveness peaking for those who are 3 years and below. In other words, the younger the child is, the more effective is the therapy.

Depending on the condition, paediatric massage is done by applying different massage techniques on specific parts of the body with the aim of treating the illness and regulating the bodily functions back to its normal physiology.

Not only can paediatric massage help to treat illnesses, it can also help boost brain power, enhance immunity and promote growth and development of children at the same time. This is a therapeutic trait that is not commonly seen in medications and drugs. Paediatric massage is commonly practised as part of daily healthcare routine for children, especially the “circular abdominal massage technique” (摩腹) and “pinching and pulling the spine technique” (捏脊). In the ancient Chinese medical classic Qian Jin Yao Fang, it was mentioned that “although a child is not ill, frequent morning massages of the fontanel and the centre of his palms and feet will help prevent the child from catching colds easily”. In modern paediatric healthcare, early years physical contact is much emphasized as it is believed that the earlier and more frequent a child receives touch, the better it is for the child’s physical and mental development.

Paediatric massage needs to be done regularly on a long term basis for prominent effects. Hence, it will definitely be helpful if parents learn some simple acupoints and techniques to carry out paediatric massage regularly for their children at home. A child who often receives strokes and massages packed with love from their parents will certainly have a healthy and happy growing up process.

Below is a short routine that can be done daily by parents for their little loved ones. They can be done with the help of massage mediums such as baby massage oil or baby powder.

Stage 1: Hands

Step 1: Kneading and Pushing Four Transverse Creases

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Location of acupoints: At the palmar side of the first interphalangeal joints of the index, middle, ring and small fingers.

Technique: With your left hand hold one of your child’s hand, with his/her palm facing up. Use your right index or middle fingertip to respectively knead the four transverse creases acupoints in a circular motion for 2 to 3 minutes. Or you can bring your child’s four fingers close together and push his/her four transverse creases acupoints starting from the index finger towards the small finger using your right thumb for 50 to 100 times. Alternate the hand that is massaged for every routine.

Step 2: Kneading and Pushing Ban Men Acupoint

Location of acupoint: At the thenar of the child’s palm.

Technique: The left hand of the parent holds the four fingers of one hand of the child and uses the right thumb to knead the Ban Men acupoint for 2 to 3 minutes. The acupoint can also be pushed from the child’s thumb base towards the wrist crease to stop diarrhea or pushed from the wrist crease towards the thumb base to stop vomiting. Pushing this acupoint back and forth can help regulate the digestive system. For pushing, repeat 50 to 100 times. Alternate the hand that is massaged for every routine.

Step 3: Kneading the centre of the palm

 Technique: The left hand of the parent holds the fingers of one hand of the child and uses the right hand to knead the palm centre for 50 to 100 times. Alternate the hand that is massaged for every routine.

Stage 2: Abdomen

Circular Abdominal Massage

Technique: With the child lying face up, the parent uses the right fingers or palm to do circular massage motions on the abdomen, with the navel as the centre reference point. Massaging in the clockwise direction will increase bowel movements, which is suitable for children with dry stools or sluggish bowels, while massaging in the anticlockwise direction will reduce the bowel movements and hence suitable for children with diarrhoea or loose watery stools. For general wellness, this step is done with a balance of both anticlockwise and clockwise directions. Repeat the circular massage motions for 50 to 100 times in total.

Note: This technique should not be overdone in terms of force or duration and parents’ hands should be warmed prior to this technique. 

Stage 3: Feet 

Kneading Yong Quan Acupoint

Location of acupoint: At the center of the sole, in the depression appearing on the sole when the toes curl inwards.

Technique: Parent uses thumb to knead this acupoint for 2 to 3 minutes.

Stage 4: Back

Pinching and pulling the spine 

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Location of acupoints: Along the two sides of the spine, from the tailbone to the base of the neck.

Technique: With the child lying face down, the parent first applies some massage oil or powder to the child’s back and massage lightly along the center of the spine from above to below 3 times. Then place the hands on each side of the tailbone. Grasp and lift the skin with the thumbs and middle and index fingers, rolling the skin upward from the tailbone to the base of the neck 3 to 5 times.

Note: This step should not be overdone or slanting the line of pinching and pulling or pausing and releasing the pinch frequently while moving up along the sides of the spine.