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Charity Live Online Event: NLMM® & Conscious Dancing for Heart Opening and Calling In

  • Dr (TCM) Xiang Jun online (map)

The Non-Linear Movement Method® (NLMM) is a powerful somatic method for working with trauma, emotional closures, and physical contractions in the body.

The Power of Conscious Dancing is in the Creative Movement that Connects Body, Mind and Spirit.

conscious dancing 1.png

Bow your head to your heart.
By moving with our emotional bodies rather than pushing them down or holding on to them, we physically experience our feelings rather than think them. Not moving with them is exhausting….Letting go is full of possibilities. It gives us freedom of choice. By surrendering our bodies to the dance, we release what is being held in our hearts, discover a greater awareness and find a more courageous way to live and love.

NLMM® combined with Conscious Dancing to come in touch with the 5 Emotions linked to the 5 Main Organs in TCM (Fear-Kidney, Anger-Liver, Sadness-Lungs, Worry-Stomach, Agitation-Heart) , inviting in Release and Calling in to a fresh new start for the year 2021.


Jan. 2 2021 | 10:30AM-11:30AM Singapore Time


This is a live online video class – it will be hosted on Zoom.


  • Access to Zoom

  • Ability to hear audio

  • A quiet private area for practice

  • A yoga mat or something similar

  • Comfortable clothing that you can move in

  • Have a place to dance and move, clean your room, make sure the lighting is good, make a small altar.

  • On a computer you can see everyone in gallery view, on a phone you probably can’t.

  • I will start the zoom meeting and have the music on at 9:20am. A short introduction will be made for NLMM and I guide you through the inner work for NLMM, followed by a dance for Release and Calling in.

  • Be there on time so that we start together and end together.



This is a charity event and any donations can be made directly to the organisation(s) below that my heart is close to.

Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation (Singapore)