Filtering by: Trauma tension release

Dr Xiang Jun's Virtual Mental Health Workshops 2021 - Expressing Love through the Language of the Heart
1:00 PM13:00

Dr Xiang Jun's Virtual Mental Health Workshops 2021 - Expressing Love through the Language of the Heart

Expressing Love through the Language of the Heart

18 July 2021 1pm-2pm

In this workshop, we will be discussing how the heart speaks louder than the mind and how to express love and messages that you want to convey to people around you and your loved ones. We will be exploring expressing love through a short heart meditation and also specifically to the people you love and miss.

Bring along items given to you by people you love or items that you are going to give to those close to your heart.

Visit or scan the QR code in the event poster to register!

Expressing Love Through the Language of Heart .jpg
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Dr Xiang Jun's Virtual Mental Health Workshops 2021 - Love Yourself through Mindful Eating
1:00 PM13:00

Dr Xiang Jun's Virtual Mental Health Workshops 2021 - Love Yourself through Mindful Eating

Love Yourself through Mindful Eating

11 July 2021 1pm-2pm

We will be discussing how the way we eat and drink can affect our physical and mental health and how mindfulness play a big part in expressing self love through satisfying our basic needs. We will then explore practicing mindfulness with a simple tea ritual that can be self practiced daily.

Bring along a tea you love and hot water for this workshop.

Visit or scan the QR code in the event poster to register!

Love Yourself through Mindful Eating.jpg
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Dr Xiang Jun's Virtual Mental Health Workshops 2021 - Emotional Cleansing with Movements
1:00 PM13:00

Dr Xiang Jun's Virtual Mental Health Workshops 2021 - Emotional Cleansing with Movements

Emotional Cleansing with Movements

4 July 2021 1pm-2pm

We will be discussing how emotions can affect our internal health and the importance of releasing emotions regularly in healthy wholesome ways. We will explore using movements to cleanse and release emotions.

Visit or scan the QR code in the event poster to register!

Emotional Cleansing with Movements.jpg
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Dr Xiang Jun's Virtual Mental Health Workshops 2021 - Finding Peace in Chaos
1:00 PM13:00

Dr Xiang Jun's Virtual Mental Health Workshops 2021 - Finding Peace in Chaos

Finding Peace in Chaos

27 June 2021 1pm to 2pm

We will be discussing the importance of awareness in relation to our bodies’ physical and mental health. We will then explore awareness practices to notice body’s sensations that arises from stress and emotions, simple relaxation movements and meditation that can be applied in our daily lives.

Visit or scan the QR code in the event poster to register!

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Dr Xiang Jun's Virtual Mental Health Workshops 2021
to Jul 18

Dr Xiang Jun's Virtual Mental Health Workshops 2021

A series of Live Virtual Mental Health Workshops by Dr Xiang Jun tailored for this trying times of Covid-19 pandemic and especially dedicated to the unspoken heroes and migrants who have helped to build Singapore even up till today.

Open to Public.

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Finding Peace in Chaos

27 June 2021 1pm-2pm

Emotional Cleansing with Movements

4 July 2021 1pm-2pm

Love Yourself through Mindful Eating

11 July 2021 1pm-2pm

Expressing Love through the Language of the Heart

18 July 2021 1pm-2pm

*All sessions are conducted in English.

Visit or scan the QR code in the event poster to register!

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Embodiment Practice: Awareness
7:30 PM19:30

Embodiment Practice: Awareness

A Moving Meditation Practice in combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine Qigong and Non Linear ® Embodiment Practice.

·       Returning to the sensations and messages of the body

·       Smooths out nervous system

·       Processes and identifies emotions

·       Releases trauma patterns into flow

·       Unites mind and body in intimacy with physical sensation

·       Creates high bodily responsiveness

·       Opens access to bodily wisdom

·       Containment and imprint of desirable qualities into body

Theme of Practice



3 Mar 2021, Wed


7:30PM-8:30PM Singapore Time


27A, 30B/C Loewen Road, 248839



Limited spaces. Prepayments via Paynow required to confirm booking.

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Charity Live Online Event: NLMM® & Conscious Dancing for Heart Opening and Calling In
10:30 AM10:30

Charity Live Online Event: NLMM® & Conscious Dancing for Heart Opening and Calling In

The Non-Linear Movement Method® (NLMM) is a powerful somatic method for working with trauma, emotional closures, and physical contractions in the body.

The Power of Conscious Dancing is in the Creative Movement that Connects Body, Mind and Spirit.

conscious dancing 1.png

Bow your head to your heart.
By moving with our emotional bodies rather than pushing them down or holding on to them, we physically experience our feelings rather than think them. Not moving with them is exhausting….Letting go is full of possibilities. It gives us freedom of choice. By surrendering our bodies to the dance, we release what is being held in our hearts, discover a greater awareness and find a more courageous way to live and love.

NLMM® combined with Conscious Dancing to come in touch with the 5 Emotions linked to the 5 Main Organs in TCM (Fear-Kidney, Anger-Liver, Sadness-Lungs, Worry-Stomach, Agitation-Heart) , inviting in Release and Calling in to a fresh new start for the year 2021.


Jan. 2 2021 | 10:30AM-11:30AM Singapore Time


This is a live online video class – it will be hosted on Zoom.


  • Access to Zoom

  • Ability to hear audio

  • A quiet private area for practice

  • A yoga mat or something similar

  • Comfortable clothing that you can move in

  • Have a place to dance and move, clean your room, make sure the lighting is good, make a small altar.

  • On a computer you can see everyone in gallery view, on a phone you probably can’t.

  • I will start the zoom meeting and have the music on at 9:20am. A short introduction will be made for NLMM and I guide you through the inner work for NLMM, followed by a dance for Release and Calling in.

  • Be there on time so that we start together and end together.



This is a charity event and any donations can be made directly to the organisation(s) below that my heart is close to.

Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation (Singapore)

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Live Online: Non Linear Movement Method® Awareness Practice Session 29 Dec 2020 8.30 PM (SGT)
8:30 PM20:30

Live Online: Non Linear Movement Method® Awareness Practice Session 29 Dec 2020 8.30 PM (SGT)

The Non-Linear Movement Method® (NLMM) is a powerful somatic method for working with trauma, emotional closures, and physical contractions in the body.


This method has many deep, powerful applications:

1. Smooths out the nervous system
The demands of modern life create stress and tension in the body and an overactive mind. The NLMM encourages an identifying and unwinding of the patterns of contraction and through gentle, non-force movements relieves the bodily tension and underlying mental loops. The result is a systematic, self-guided unburdening of the nervous system.

2. Processes and identifies emotions
As the body unwinds and the mind relaxes its pressured pace the emotions associated with these patterns become apparent and are being let go of. You can note recurring emotional loops for further processing  and at the same time allow emotions to simply rise and release.

3. Awakens sexual energy and sensual sensation
As tension, contraction and emotion are being released the body becomes sensitized and we are able to feel deeper. One of the marked results of this sensitization is an ability to feel increased pleasure and well being. Participants report an increased ability to connect through their body, both with themselves and others.

4. Releases trauma patterns into flow
One of the results of traumatic experience (fresh and old alike) is “freeze”, a state in which body, mind and emotions are stuck in a state of numbness. Often “freeze” is falsely perceived as a feeling of “calm/nothing”, which results in an inability to release the experience and ease the bodily patterns. The NLMM facilitates a continued movement, which gently opens the freeze pattern and allows for recognition and release of the underlying bodily and emotional patterns.

5. Unites mind and body in intimacy with physical sensation
Through continued engagement with the release of contraction and facilitation of emotional awareness the ingrained patterns become apparent and less pronounced. Over time physical sensation can be engaged with and the acceptance and tolerance of all sensation increases. Intimacy with whatever is present is possible.

6. Creates high bodily responsiveness
NLMM educates the body how to release and process contractions, stress and emotional tension.  The body becomes highly attuned to all sensations and can note, react or release fluidly and without having to attend to traumatic or suppressed backlog.

7. Opens access to bodily wisdom
By putting emphasis on movement and circumventing the analytical mind and loops of tense thinking the natural intelligence of our bodies is accessed. Through gentle guidance the mechanisms of “freeze” and refusal to feel are being loosened and bodily wisdom can create the necessary actions and releases.

NLMM is facilitated on a mat or blanket. Participants dress similar to a Yoga or Dance Class, in comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.

Join me live on Zoom for a guided The Non-Linear Movement Method® session.

When you sign up, you’ll receive an email with the link to join the virtual class. You’ll need a private place to practice, access to audio (speakers, computer audio or headphones), and a yoga mat or something similar. We’ll see you in class!


Dec. 29 2020 | 8:30PM-9:30PM Singapore Time


This is a live online video class – it will be hosted on Zoom.
*You will be sent the link to join via email after purchase.*


  • Access to Zoom

  • Ability to hear audio

  • A quiet private area for practice

  • A yoga mat or something similar

  • Comfortable clothing that you can move in

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IG Live: Conscious Dancing with Shadows 2020
to Dec 31

IG Live: Conscious Dancing with Shadows 2020

Do you know what happens when you decide to stop worrying about what other people might think of you? You get to dance. You get to sing. You get to laugh loudly, paint, write and create. You get to be yourself.

And you know what? Some people won’t like you. Some will laugh or mock or point out flaws, but it just won’t bother you all that much.

-Doe Zantamata


Weaving in and out of 2020 with the energies of Solitude, Sadness and Grief, have you allowed such energies within you move through you or still kept them in suppression? Have you allowed your shadows to show up? Do you dare to?

Random timings and days for IG LIve Conscious Dancing with Shadows till end of 2020.

See you on my Instagram @dr_xiang_jun

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Live Online: Non Linear Movement Method® Release Practice Session 17 Dec 2020 8.30 PM (SGT)
8:30 PM20:30

Live Online: Non Linear Movement Method® Release Practice Session 17 Dec 2020 8.30 PM (SGT)

The Non-Linear Movement Method® (NLMM) is a powerful somatic method for working with trauma, emotional closures, and physical contractions in the body.


This method has many deep, powerful applications:

1. Smooths out the nervous system
The demands of modern life create stress and tension in the body and an overactive mind. The NLMM encourages an identifying and unwinding of the patterns of contraction and through gentle, non-force movements relieves the bodily tension and underlying mental loops. The result is a systematic, self-guided unburdening of the nervous system.

2. Processes and identifies emotions
As the body unwinds and the mind relaxes its pressured pace the emotions associated with these patterns become apparent and are being let go of. You can note recurring emotional loops for further processing  and at the same time allow emotions to simply rise and release.

3. Awakens sexual energy and sensual sensation
As tension, contraction and emotion are being released the body becomes sensitized and we are able to feel deeper. One of the marked results of this sensitization is an ability to feel increased pleasure and well being. Participants report an increased ability to connect through their body, both with themselves and others.

4. Releases trauma patterns into flow
One of the results of traumatic experience (fresh and old alike) is “freeze”, a state in which body, mind and emotions are stuck in a state of numbness. Often “freeze” is falsely perceived as a feeling of “calm/nothing”, which results in an inability to release the experience and ease the bodily patterns. The NLMM facilitates a continued movement, which gently opens the freeze pattern and allows for recognition and release of the underlying bodily and emotional patterns.

5. Unites mind and body in intimacy with physical sensation
Through continued engagement with the release of contraction and facilitation of emotional awareness the ingrained patterns become apparent and less pronounced. Over time physical sensation can be engaged with and the acceptance and tolerance of all sensation increases. Intimacy with whatever is present is possible.

6. Creates high bodily responsiveness
NLMM educates the body how to release and process contractions, stress and emotional tension.  The body becomes highly attuned to all sensations and can note, react or release fluidly and without having to attend to traumatic or suppressed backlog.

7. Opens access to bodily wisdom
By putting emphasis on movement and circumventing the analytical mind and loops of tense thinking the natural intelligence of our bodies is accessed. Through gentle guidance the mechanisms of “freeze” and refusal to feel are being loosened and bodily wisdom can create the necessary actions and releases.

NLMM is facilitated on a mat or blanket. Participants dress similar to a Yoga or Dance Class, in comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.

Join me live on Zoom for a guided The Non-Linear Movement Method® session.

When you sign up, you’ll receive an email with the link to join the virtual class. You’ll need a private place to practice, access to audio (speakers, computer audio or headphones), and a yoga mat or something similar. We’ll see you in class!


Dec. 17, 2020 | 8:30pM-9:30PM Singapore Time


This is a live online video class – it will be hosted on Zoom.
*You will be sent the link to join via email after purchase.*


  • Access to Zoom

  • Ability to hear audio

  • A quiet private area for practice

  • A yoga mat or something similar

  • Comfortable clothing that you can move in

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Live Online: Non Linear Movement Method® Practice Session 12 Dec 2020 9am (SGT)
9:00 AM09:00

Live Online: Non Linear Movement Method® Practice Session 12 Dec 2020 9am (SGT)

The Non-Linear Movement Method® (NLMM) is a powerful somatic method for working with trauma, emotional closures, and physical contractions in the body.


This method has many deep, powerful applications:

1. Smooths out the nervous system
The demands of modern life create stress and tension in the body and an overactive mind. The NLMM encourages an identifying and unwinding of the patterns of contraction and through gentle, non-force movements relieves the bodily tension and underlying mental loops. The result is a systematic, self-guided unburdening of the nervous system.

2. Processes and identifies emotions
As the body unwinds and the mind relaxes its pressured pace the emotions associated with these patterns become apparent and are being let go of. You can note recurring emotional loops for further processing  and at the same time allow emotions to simply rise and release.

3. Awakens sexual energy and sensual sensation
As tension, contraction and emotion are being released the body becomes sensitized and we are able to feel deeper. One of the marked results of this sensitization is an ability to feel increased pleasure and well being. Participants report an increased ability to connect through their body, both with themselves and others.

4. Releases trauma patterns into flow
One of the results of traumatic experience (fresh and old alike) is “freeze”, a state in which body, mind and emotions are stuck in a state of numbness. Often “freeze” is falsely perceived as a feeling of “calm/nothing”, which results in an inability to release the experience and ease the bodily patterns. The NLMM facilitates a continued movement, which gently opens the freeze pattern and allows for recognition and release of the underlying bodily and emotional patterns.

5. Unites mind and body in intimacy with physical sensation
Through continued engagement with the release of contraction and facilitation of emotional awareness the ingrained patterns become apparent and less pronounced. Over time physical sensation can be engaged with and the acceptance and tolerance of all sensation increases. Intimacy with whatever is present is possible.

6. Creates high bodily responsiveness
NLMM educates the body how to release and process contractions, stress and emotional tension.  The body becomes highly attuned to all sensations and can note, react or release fluidly and without having to attend to traumatic or suppressed backlog.

7. Opens access to bodily wisdom
By putting emphasis on movement and circumventing the analytical mind and loops of tense thinking the natural intelligence of our bodies is accessed. Through gentle guidance the mechanisms of “freeze” and refusal to feel are being loosened and bodily wisdom can create the necessary actions and releases.

NLMM is facilitated on a mat or blanket. Participants dress similar to a Yoga or Dance Class, in comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.

Join me live on Zoom for a guided The Non-Linear Movement Method® session.

Theme of the practice revealed on the day of practice.

When you sign up, you’ll receive an email with the link to join the virtual class. You’ll need a private place to practice, access to audio (speakers, computer audio or headphones), and a yoga mat or something similar. We’ll see you in class!


Dec. 12, 2020 | 9:00AM-10:00AM Singapore Time


This is a live online video class – it will be hosted on Zoom.
*You will be sent the link to join via email after purchase.*


  • Access to Zoom

  • Ability to hear audio

  • A quiet private area for practice

  • A yoga mat or something similar

  • Comfortable clothing that you can move in

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