A New Beginning Awaits 2023

The start of a brand new year. The start of a fresh energy.

As we have bade goodbye to 2022, the real 2023 will only start on 22 Jan 2023 based on the Moon and 4 Feb 2023 based on the Sun.

So there is still time to set some to-don’t list and kind intentions for the upcoming year for imprintment in your subconscious and have the courage to materialize it when conditions arise.


Don’t forget to be thankful for another year.

Don’t set high expectations.

Don’t force yourself to improve.

Don’t pressure yourself to party.

Don’t dwell on the past.

Don’t compare your experience.


To the doors that will open, show me the way to touch the hearts and souls of everyone in this world, in this Universe and beyond.

To the part of me that I have rejected all these while, I’m sorry I have let the conventions stifled you. May you bloom and display yourself just like a lotus arising from the mud.

To all the broken souls that I will meet, may I have the capability to reveal your beauty, your very own ability to heal and move forward.

To all the ancestors and teachings misunderstood, may I have the wisdom and platforms to speak for you.

To the pains, limitations and vulnerabilities within me, may I have the strength to show you up and give you a voice in the utmost authentic ways.

To the soulmate and partner to come, may we both know that the wait will be worth it.


May I have the greatness to own my story and love myself through this process.


And I wish that upon you all who are reading this as well.


2023, here we go.