Interesting TCM Facts 101: : TCM Pulse Taking is equivalent to CT Scan

People always thought that when we take the pulse of patients in a TCM setting, we are simply taking the rate of the heart beats just like that of Western Medicine. However, there are about 28 different pulse classifications that TCM doctors use for screening the body health conditions of patients. Of which rate is only one of the 28 pulse classifications.


The fact is that the art of Pulse Taking itself is equivalent to a CT scan that the TCM doctor uses to screen the overall health condition and feel for blockages/stagnations/lesions in the entire body.

You may be thinking, “No way.” But yes, that is how we do it. How vigorous and extensive this “CT scanning” at the fingertips of the TCM doctor depends on the experience, intuition and sensitivity of the doctor. Hence as TCM doctors, we are constantly training ourselves to become better and better with each pulse taken, always aiming to upgrade our skills from a ‘CT scan’ to an ‘MRI scan’ one day. This is also one area where an amateur TCM doctor is differentiated from an expert.

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Further reading:

Everything you need to know about Acupuncture

How TCM works scientifically

Acupoint Medicine: Dan Zhong

Men’s Health Series: Which is the Better Way to Treat Prostatitis - TCM or Western Medicine?

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