My Journey of becoming a TCM Physician Chapter 8: Beauty Secret Formulas
So as the rotation commenced, there were untold agreements amongst us for certain hot and popular departments and some departments which we shun and dread. Among them all, the dermatology department made it to one of the top lists. Why? Because we were all seeking to uncover the legendary BEAUTY SECRET FORMULAS within the department, dreaming that we could make it big one day with THE formula.
Some of my small notebooks filled with formulas and clinical notes that are pocket sized to fit into the doctor’s white coat pockets
My turn came to be in the dermatology department and yes, I was excited as expected. I prepared all my small notebooks, empty so that they could be ready to fill up with THE formulas. I was attached to one of the clinical doctors in the department and the day went on with patients coming in and out for consults.
Being in the dermatology department meant that all kinds of skin diseases were to be tackled with. I remembered seeing warts, lots of psoriasis, eczema, rashes and the ‘hot/popular’ condition of acne. Yes, every time there were acne cases all the jotting began vigorously as we tried to copy down THE formulas used. Why? Because it was THE condition that plagued most people back at home. And every time there were gaps for rest in between patients, we would bug the teacher for tips of curing certain skin conditions and also the highly sought after BEAUTY FORMULAS. Mind you, there were indeed the formulas as the department did sell creams and medications that they self formulated. But! They were kept away from us… Nevertheless we still managed to squeeze some rare formulas and applications of certain combinations of treatments for certain skin conditions.
I remembered seeing how facial acupuncture was done first time. I remembered sampling all the creams that the department was selling to patients. I remembered mixing out the herbal masks for whitening, anti acne, pore reduction etc for patients. I remembered trying to burn the warts of a patient with liquid nitrogen. I remembered myself being treated with the liquid nitrogen method for one of my small growth..
I think it was during this time that my deep interest in facial aesthetics germinated and grew. Because the results were significant and you would be marveled just like me at how natural methods and herbs were capable of doing that.
And so I brought this home and they were in my practice today and I’m proud of it =)