Spirituality and Science Series: Science only goes so far, then comes God
And God does not have religious connotations to it. Rather I see that as a wider and deeper reference to the higher power, the Universe, your Higher Self, your wisdom. Or simply your very own God, your trust and belief, your innate power.
Brought up in a very result-oriented environment, it seemed that everything required numbers and quantity to be validated. In medical practice, especially in the Western counterpart, definitely I have met some practitioners who are so blinded in the quest for scientific proofs and papers to back one theory or a whole school of system. And in my journey as a doctor, there also was a stage where I’m cultivated and bombarded with the whole varsity system that physical proofs and evidence were a nailed-down must to show that something was real and in existence. I was even highly awarded for going down the path of being equipped with the skills and logic to give physicality to something and everything.
Yet as I carry on my journey, the more I explore and learn, the more I realised I do not know everything.
The system used to prove seemed miniscule and even flawed in many ways to show that which is at a grander scale.
What we are asking for proof seems just like a naïve child asking a wise elder to complete his self-designed nursery test in order to show that the elder is indeed intelligent and true in his ways.
In my practice, it is easy to commoditize the practice and keep it to a business transaction, where everything is just pure action and both the doctor and patient can walk through the process like a factory production line. Yet I have seen many cases of healing and changes not within expectation take place when we add in that element that goes beyond the flesh and blood.
Trust and Belief
I always believe my work here is a catalyst, a stimulus, rather than a manipulator for the body. I tip the imbalance to rebalance, I give the nudge for the stagnated to budge. But I don’t control the whole entire process because after the work is done, the intelligence of the body, mind and spirit will take over. What comes after that within the patient’s world determines if the healing and recovery will proceed. Trust and belief are the positive drive forward, while doubt is the negative inertia. In my experience, the positive and trusting patients are the ones that recover faster and even become a changed person after that.
We are but just small specks in the universe. Our bodies are incredibly intricate systems that are designed to send and receive information with the entire cosmos in ways that we don’t fully understand. As science dives deeper and deeper into the inherent connection of everything, a consistent truth is emerging. We are not separate from anything. All that we are, all that we have been, all that we desire, all that we will be and all that we created is connected in some way on some level.
So if we are living life through intellect alone, we are greatly limiting the potential of our experience.
More importantly, if we believe that who and what we are end at the tip of our nose, we are profoundly cutting ourselves off from our sovereign ability to shift, reshape and create our life and our world.
In today’s world, indeed the economy decides the sovereignty of people and even their roles in society, developing some professions into a snob, taking the so-called higher position in the unseen hierarchy of the system simply through the measurements of finances they drive.
But someone wise once told me about being a true healer or therapist or doctor. He said
“When faced with a problem they cannot solve, they ask for guidance. They seek out answers not just from outside but from within. Most of it all, they do not pretend to know everything.”
Much as we have the power to recreate and change our world, perhaps we should also reflect on the fact that we are also only part of Nature. Respect and humility puts us on the bandwagon to flow along while arrogance impedes.