TCM Basics 101: Chinese Herbs Fresh in Supermarkets – Black Pepper


TCM Nature: Warm/Hot

TCM Taste: Pungent

TCM Meridian Affinity: Stomach, Large Intestine


·       Reduces abdominal pain

·       Expels colds, ease chills and fevers

·       Increase digestive activity, including gut movement and increase in gastric acid production

·       Relieves muscle aches, joint pains

·       Reduces loss of memory and other cognitive malfunctions


Pepper has been so important to ancient cultures that it has been used as a currency, called “black gold”, and as a sacred offering to the gods.

In the 1840’s, the word pepper was used to mean “spirit” or “energy”. Black pepper was thought to protect against the ‘evil eye’ and wearing a peppercorn was said to free one of envious thoughts.

Burning black pepper before smudging with sage is powerful combination to help remove negative energies and cleanse a space.

Further reading:

Read more about TCM Herbal Medicine Prescription on my TCM Wellness page.