Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Prostatitis
Regular sessions of Acupuncture can treat Prostatitis.
Chronic prostatitis is a urinary tract disease with the main clinical manifestations of lower abdominal pain and abnormal urination symptoms such as frequency, urgency, and insufficiency of urination. The incidence of chronic prostatitis in men under the age of 50 is up to 8% worldwide. In addition, the recurrence of chronic prostatitis will affect the quality of work and life of modern men to varying degrees.
Chronic prostatitis can lead to seminal vesiculitis, which can affect the quality of sperm, cause semen nonliquefaction disease, resulting in much discomfort and pain. Furthermore, chronic prostatitis is an important cause of infertility.
Currently, the main treatment methods focus on autoimmunity, pathogens, mast cells, inflammatory factors, and other pathogenic factors. At present, the western medicine treatment of chronic prostatitis is mainly the combined application of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, a-adrenergic receptors, PDE-5 inhibitors and other drugs, including shockwave therapy, which is gradually used in clinical practice, mainly to improve symptoms. Although there are various treatment schemes, the efficiency is not high, with potential side effects.
Compared with western medicine, acupuncture has no side effects and drug dependence, and the effect is significant. Acupuncture can reduce the levels of proinflammatory factor and increase anti-inflammatory factors which can improve the bodyβs ability to resist oxidative stress. Acupuncture can also adjust the neurotransmitter and autonomic nerve functions which can help to adjust the pelvic floor muscle contraction to improve urine dynamics. This will relieve the symptoms of abnormal urination.
Conclusion: Acupuncture is a safe, effective, and durable treatment in improving symptoms in, and the quality of life of, men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome refractory to treatment.
Conclusion: Acupuncture combined with TCM therapy treats chronic prostatitis by regulating the function of bladder gasification.
Conclusion: Acupuncture has promising efficacy for patients with chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome, especially category IIIB, in aspects of relieving pain and urinary symptoms and improving the quality of life. Acupuncture may serve as a standard treatment option when available, and a tailored comprehensive treatment strategy for chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome is the future trend.
Further reading:
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
Scientific Proof to how your body reacts to Acupuncture - Sinusitis
Scientific Proof to how your body reacts to Acupuncture - Snoring
Scientific Proof to how your body reacts to Acupuncture - Neck and Shoulder Aches and Pain
Scientific Proof to how your body reacts to Acupuncture - Urinary Incontinence