TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Carnation
TCM Nature: Cooling
TCM Taste: Bitter
TCM Meridian Affinity: Bladder, Heart, Small Intestine
· Alleviate stress, depression and nervousness
· Treats urinary tract infections
· Auxiliary herb for amenorrhea due to blood stasis
· Treats constipation
· Clears intestinal worms
· Eases stomach cramping
· Promotes sweating
Carnations symbolize affection, health, energy and purity of a mother’s love. The pink carnation is believed in Christianity to have come from Virgin Mary’s tears. Carnations were used by Victorians to express love. The Victorian code of flowers was a secret code used by lovers to communicate a time for meeting.
Carnations are used in magical protection spells and to give strengths and health. It is believed that planting the carnations at doorway will provide protection to the family. The scent of the flower can help to enter a trance state much easier for astral work and shamanic journeying for entering into other realms.
Read more about TCM Herbal Medicine Prescription on my TCM Wellness page.
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