Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Irritable Bowel Syndrome TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and ScienceXiang Jun LimDecember 9, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, irritable bowel syndrome
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Horseradish TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimDecember 6, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Junherbs, tcm, horseradish
Interesting TCM Facts 101: Acupuncture Needles were made of Stones and Bones TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimNovember 30, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, needles, stone, bones, history
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Olive TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimNovember 29, 2020tcm, herbs, olive, acupuncture
Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Gastric Reflux TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and ScienceXiang Jun LimNovember 26, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, gastric reflux, acupuncture, science
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Millet TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimNovember 22, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Junherbs, tcm, millet
Interesting TCM Facts 101: Number of Acupoints Reflect Number of Days in a Year TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimNovember 18, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Jun tcm, acupoints, acupuncture, days, year, universe
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Blackberry TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimNovember 15, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Junblackberry, herbs, tcm, acupuncture
Inner Practice Series: If this is your Last Breath, What is your First Thought? TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Inner PracticeXiang Jun LimNovember 11, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Juninner practice, appreciation
Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Anxiety TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and ScienceXiang Jun LimNovember 10, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, anxiety, science
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Nutmeg TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimNovember 8, 2020tcm, nutmeg, herbs
Interesting TCM Fact 101: The First Female TCM Physician TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimNovember 4, 2020tcm, acupuncture, female, physician, first
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Licorice TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM WellnessXiang Jun LimNovember 1, 2020tcm, herbs, licorice
Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Depression TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and ScienceXiang Jun LimOctober 30, 2020tcm, acupuncture, depression, science
Interesting TCM Facts 101: Placenta is a medicinal herb TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimOctober 27, 2020placenta, herb, tcm, medicine
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Kelp TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimOctober 25, 2020tcm, herbs, kelp, seaweed
Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Diabetes TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and ScienceXiang Jun LimOctober 23, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, diabetes, diabetes mellitus, science, acupuncture
Interesting TCM Facts 101: Surgeries performed in Ancient TCM Basics of TCM, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM WellnessXiang Jun LimOctober 20, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Juninteresting facts, tcm, acupuncture, ancient physicians, surgery
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Honey TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM WellnessXiang Jun LimOctober 18, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Junhoney, herbs, tcm
Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - High Blood Pressure TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCM, TCM and ScienceXiang Jun LimOctober 13, 2020Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, scientific papers, high blood pressure, hypertension, acupuncture